Just In
for An Imprint of Grief

7/9/2013 c1 Arista Everett June
You have such a way with words. I can't help but be a fan and favorite several of your poems :).
6/26/2010 c1 Hearts of Solitude
This is beautiful
1/3/2010 c1 fleur de l'est
Nice progression of emotions, from 'a sense' to pathetic fallacy at the end where everything seems bleak. I liked the rhymes, especially 'sun' and 'undone', but the middle couplet of the 2nd verse seems slightly forced - at least the vocabulary ('shake' 'quake') don't seem to fit into the overall tone of the poem. But nevertheless, a great piece :)
8/21/2009 c1 60FelleLLoyd
The words are so simple.

Yet, they leave such an impact.

Awesome Poem:)

And thank you for the review.
8/14/2009 c1 113403 Forbidden
I love the rhyming in this poem; it feels natural and really adds to the message. The feeling and sensation you created with your words are really vivid and expertly done. The overall meter is very..needtofinaword...fitting. Really, this is pretty amazing; I hope you keep writing.

8/2/2009 c1 4shortie990
Hey u asked me for my review, so here it is... This poem is really dark and twisted and mysterist and i love it! You use of language is brillant, great job!

7/24/2009 c1 26Mirabella
Nicely rhymed, and i really like the first line of the poem. Great introduction. :)
5/4/2009 c1 The Sweet Angel of Darkness
This poem has a really good fantasy feel to it, expecially the last stanza. The rotting grass and poisonous rings and weeping flowers are all very symbolic. Great job!
4/28/2009 c1 6Past Prototype
Very, very brilliant.

I can imagine every step in that poem...It reminds me of myself in a way...

I especially liked the ending, and that's good. If a peom or a story doesn't end well, it's usually not worth all the time it took to read it...ending things are hard though. Whether it be a simple poem or a life.

ja ne
4/21/2009 c1 70TheBeautyOfTheGrave
Love this. Very nice imagery and I like the last stanza in particular. Very sad ^^

~Holli x
4/8/2009 c1 ACCOUNT P.E.R.I.S.H.E.D
some sweet sun -

nice alliteration, lyrical and sweet...

my feeling of coming undone -

I like this. grief has a tendency to unravel.

this is a lovely poem!

thank you for the review.
3/24/2009 c1 879Moondog Dozier
The internal rhyme in the last stanza really stands out, because it adds that extra emphasis on sound that attracts the readers attention. This is very relatable due to the imagery and the emotions that are detailed. Well done.
3/22/2009 c1 1tonight we bloom
This one has got to be my favorite so far! The last stanza gave me the chills!

I like the sense of darkness and mystery I feel when I read it. Great, really.
3/19/2009 c1 38Around.the.Rainbow
very dark, but also very good.

I love the last stanza the best.

good job.

3/13/2009 c1 9Narq
"sweet sun" "undone" I loved the way you had some couplets in this poem. They caught me out and it felt wonderful saying it out loud. Yes, I actually read it aloud.

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