6/10/2017 c4 Gotte
I wanna see his fACe when he finds out that Trevor IS Trexor XD
I wanna see his fACe when he finds out that Trevor IS Trexor XD
6/13/2011 c3
Please write mooore
I need to know what happens *next*
This is awesome btw...

Please write mooore
I need to know what happens *next*
This is awesome btw...
3/28/2011 c4 anon
are you going to update this.
are you going to update this.
10/10/2010 c1 awesomeness
i'm loving it lots!
you know what i'm not lovin'?
please, please, please update soon!
i'm loving it lots!
you know what i'm not lovin'?
please, please, please update soon!
7/6/2010 c4 Smile101
Yay! You updated. :D I understand why he yelled at Hailei. She's kinda annoying. Benji and Trevor are going to meet! I'm so looking forward to the next chapter.
Yay! You updated. :D I understand why he yelled at Hailei. She's kinda annoying. Benji and Trevor are going to meet! I'm so looking forward to the next chapter.
7/5/2010 c4 me
gah, i can't ait to read more, so update soon, okay! okay? okay!
gah, i can't ait to read more, so update soon, okay! okay? okay!
7/4/2010 c4
You ned to update
:you need to update:
I wanna know what happens next.
I know...you updated like...yesterday, but thats no excuse not to update right NOW!
Great story so far, I giggle to myself the whole time.

You ned to update
:you need to update:
I wanna know what happens next.
I know...you updated like...yesterday, but thats no excuse not to update right NOW!
Great story so far, I giggle to myself the whole time.
7/4/2010 c4 xSadistxFujix
lol, use his brother as backup? Why does that sound like a plan born to mess up? ;P
~Nya! ^_^
lol, use his brother as backup? Why does that sound like a plan born to mess up? ;P
~Nya! ^_^