Just In
for No Fucking Way!

6/10/2017 c4 Gotte
I wanna see his fACe when he finds out that Trevor IS Trexor XD
6/10/2012 c4 1Wings of Beauty
Please continue this story! i love it so far!
7/30/2011 c4 jessicas favorite stories
6/13/2011 c3 27x-ClinicallyInsane-x
Please write mooore

I need to know what happens *next*

This is awesome btw...
3/28/2011 c4 anon
are you going to update this.
10/20/2010 c4 9Lunatrix
More pleeaasse? *puppy dog eyes*
10/10/2010 c1 awesomeness
i'm loving it lots!

you know what i'm not lovin'?


please, please, please update soon!
9/13/2010 c4 RitaHouston
cant wait fo next chap wonder whats gon happen?
7/28/2010 c4 One Sadistic Puppy
Amg, I love it!

You should update it sometime soon. D:
7/6/2010 c4 Smile101
Yay! You updated. :D I understand why he yelled at Hailei. She's kinda annoying. Benji and Trevor are going to meet! I'm so looking forward to the next chapter.
7/6/2010 c4 sweetneverinnocent
PLEASE update!
7/5/2010 c4 me
gah, i can't ait to read more, so update soon, okay! okay? okay!
7/4/2010 c4 27x-ClinicallyInsane-x
You ned to update

:you need to update:

I wanna know what happens next.

I know...you updated like...yesterday, but thats no excuse not to update right NOW!

Great story so far, I giggle to myself the whole time.

7/4/2010 c4 xSadistxFujix
lol, use his brother as backup? Why does that sound like a plan born to mess up? ;P

~Nya! ^_^
7/3/2010 c4 homepage
:D Excitment!

The meeting is finally going to happen!
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