Just In
for Hole in My Heart

8/28/2009 c1 41BlackRosesFreedom
Beautiful and full of meaning. I really liked it. :)

8/27/2009 c1 3JGPoetry
Again, you did a wonderful job! On another note...This totally sums up all of my relationships! D: Don't you hate that feeling?
1/14/2009 c1 613DiaRose
their = there but that's the nitpicky typo review.

Here's the real review: BEAUTIFUL ENDING! You're getting really good! I wasn't sure it was going to end well from the beginning, but you pleasantly surprised me. Although the beginning isn't bad, it definitely has the potential to be better. I think that's where you need to focus in your writing improvement, because your endings are fabulous.


12/20/2008 c1 7Alice Blake LeFevre
I know what you mean. You just build up everything around them and then they're just gone.
12/18/2008 c1 33BoReD tO dEaTh
ugh...relationships are good until the end. then they suck!

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