Just In
for Rough Petals

5/10/2009 c20 Jixnce
Jack and Joss, Charlie and Cole, I just realized that when you pointed it out. oO It sounds quite, um, fluffy.

:( How can this story be almost over? Thats sad. I like Cole's story.

You know, you can always write about Cole more, like if he has kids and stuff :P And Joss's kids. ^^; I like this universe.

x.x SWTE hurts my eyes too :P But thats more because I don't like Joss than anything else.
5/10/2009 c20 1 800 vampire
so i really liked this chapter because it really makes Charlie and Cole real people. i really really dont want this story to end. Maybe you can continue it and make another one from like Addy or Noahs pov. i really look forward to reading more:D
5/10/2009 c20 3Has A WaywithWords
I was hoping that Cole and Charlie would make up in this chapter, turns out I was far from wrong. Gods, I wish Cole would just get it through his thick skull of his that she loves him and let her explain. And now Noah is mad at poor Charlie too. And if Addison finds out, oh Gods. Really, you need to update soon.
5/10/2009 c20 2book-geek
wow very intense chpter! i cant beleive she said all that to Noah! update soon! :)
5/10/2009 c20 7Silencia

Grtz Silencia
5/10/2009 c20 1AlphaBeatKayGee

man i love how your updates are so long =D

The last speech that Charlie made to Cole...was deep!..i mean it was vulgar but whoa did she get the point across. I hope there's more Cole next chapter...not that there wasn't enough of him but he was being a bastard. Er ...update soon plz! this was a cliffie...even though it didn't LOOK like one!

p.s.- you're honestly an amazing author. I've been with you since swte-me and one of my best friends ..but..you should really have these published. With your skills itd be easy for you to get far...don't ever doubt yourself (not that you do now or anything)..but yeahh...Happy Mothers Day if you're a mom... till next chapter!
5/10/2009 c20 g
I swear, these people are fustrating me w/ their semi non-forgiving attitudes. Charlie 'whored' herself, get over it, Noah killed someone in self defense, get over it. Cole's feeling were hurt, get over it. And if Charlie keeps up with this bashing of Joss just b/c Joss was first in Cole's heart, one more time, I'm going to scream. Joss is married with a family, and not trying to impeed on her space. They share the same friends, GET OVER IT. sigh...can you tell they're fustrating me? lol.
5/10/2009 c20 3blonski
Awe jeez, I have tears in my eyes :(
5/10/2009 c20 JustPlainJane
Poor Cole. Poor Charlie. :(

Great chappy, can't wait for more :)
5/10/2009 c20 8XxShokixX
Aw...poor Cole! I think he needs a hug and then he'll be all better!

NO! Please don't let the story finish so soon! :(

Keep up the good work :)
5/10/2009 c20 coffeelove220
Personally, I didnt think that was just a filler as a lot happened. It was so amazing for everything to be out in the open. I love this story and am sad to hear it will be ending soon. Oh and lol, why is a penis shaped cake always at a bacherlorette party lol.
5/10/2009 c20 OoohLookACat
poor charlie

kid's got a lot on her plate :(

i can understand why she took the money

why he doesn't understand after that explanation confuses me

but then, it's just cole and he's weird like that

can't wait for more

yay for 700 =)

5/10/2009 c20 anna
great chapter, even if it was a filler. i wish we got a look into cole's head. i love it when men hurt :D sadistic, arent i? :P UPDATE SOON, PRETTY PLEASE
5/10/2009 c20 7Appa the Gypsy
Nyaw! I don't want this story to end either! I love it! This was a really good chapter... the jacket thing was a nice touch. I'm not sure how I would react if I found out someone a knew had been a prostitute... coz I'd want to give them a chance, but I'd find it really weird knowing that about them, even if they weren't anymore... stop challenging my mind! I don't think I can take it! I wish I updated my stories as much as you do... whenever I open my email program and find that I've got a new chapterfor this story it always makes my day.
5/10/2009 c20 mywaywithwords
I loved it, and can't believe that you could call such a drama and angst filled chapter a filler! I am looking forward to what you have next in stall for the story if this was considered a filler. You have been updating so regularly lately, thank you. I'll be sitting here waiting impatiently for the next chapter, xoxo
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