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for Once Upon A Nightmare

4/17/2020 c5 Frogstheboi
This is amazing
12/23/2019 c1 digitaloye
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5/29/2019 c24 Kristine
Oh my goodness. What a beautiful, wonderful, imaginative story. Thank you. I plan to read The Nightmare King next but I need time to absorb this story. I am so glad I was able to take a walk in this world. It was wonderful.
3/4/2018 c24 Acie
is the greatest, honestly, such s good story. Sorry, lost for words
9/19/2017 c24 MiranDuranDa
I almost stopped reading at the candy land scene, so glad I didn't! Such a cute story and concept! But *SPOILER ALERT* I'm so upset that Gloom died! He and Armand were my tied favorites. Anyways, thanks for sharing this wild ride. I loved it
9/13/2017 c1 Guest
I just re read this for the first time in YEARS and it's kind of crazy how much I remember from the story before you started doing rewrites and how different it is now. I loved it then and I love it now! You're such an amazing and creative writer and I'm so happy for you that you've been able to accomplish so much!
8/3/2017 c24 8Annalynn Roe
Read your story through for the second time over these last two days. Enjoyed it just as much the second time.

I noticed a few differences throughout primarily the beginning of the story. Not sure if bits and pieces have been revamped or if I imagined Alexander smashing Violet's Circadian Clock to bits and pieces before making his grand exit or virgin mind's receiving a consolation wish. Entirely possible I'm just crazy (and haven't read this in roughly three years).

Again, though, it was a great read and I'm planning on jumping over to TNK next!
3/15/2017 c1 G
Your story has been plagiarized by Krissy Reynolds under the new name Dream Of.
11/24/2016 c24 Guest
Okay wow, that was a wild ride from start to finish. I really did not expect most of the twists at all- when Armand spoke to the night terrors, I thought that his power was the fear of night terrors or something like that, which would have been clever, but this is even more creative.

The plot is really imaginative, I really like it. I really like the nightmare before Christmas references, it's quite cool to think that, perhaps, Tim burton dreamed of this and that's where he got the idea for the movie from or something. I really like the attention to detail, for example, gloom having the dreams of Edgar Allen Poe and Alexander riding a motorbike dreamed up by a young Harley Davidson.
It feels like the world is very much fleshed out, but there were some instances where I feel like, although you have the idea in your head, it didn't come all the way through into the story. For example, the three friends (the mummy, the ghost and the werewolf), they seemed like an unused chekhov's gun. And a few times things just seemed to happen a propos of nothing, so perhaps a bit more foreshadowing would have been good to lay the groundwork, for example when Alexander turns and says that violet had been spending too much time in dreams (and later on when she's kicking herself for not having spent enough time with her nose OUT of a book, in the real world)- this feels a bit random. Perhaps in the early chapters it would be good if you could make this a bit clearer- and the fact that violet thinks her dad Doesn't love her (I can tell it was a bit of a bombshell for her, but as the reader, there wasn't much build up to this, so I was just somewhat bemused, especially since this is obviously a bittersweet realisation for violet at the time- she loves him a lot as well. but she hasn't spared him a single thought up until that point.)
I really did love all the twists and turns, and the extremely creative devices (like the reality skipper!)

And this love triangle is really confusing to me as well. but I get the feeling it's supposed to be, so I'm
okay with it.

anyway, thoroughly enjoyed this, thanks a lot
10/25/2016 c1 a123123123
Fuck you you worthless cocksucking piece of shit, go back to sucking your father's cock, I shit into your mother's womb and you can eat it too. I hope you die a very painful and slow death from cancer right after that.
6/18/2016 c24 dreeming
Oh my god. That was such a beautifully intense rollercoaster of a story and absolutely nothing like I imagined in the best way possible. I'm so so glad there is a sequel and I am going to go hunt it down now (nevermind the fact that its late, I have work tomorrow and I'm already sleep deprived)

Please publish this and let me know when you do because I would love this as a physical copy on my shelf!
3/26/2016 c24 Guest
Wow, I really did not expect this after such an unassuming beginning. A bit girlish I think, but still a great story.
3/13/2016 c24 2DepthsofInfinity
This was so good. I don't even have any other words to describe how amazing this was.
2/14/2016 c24 Guest
The beginning was really promising. It was an okay read i expected this ending but still hoped for a more developed relationship with either Armand or Alexander. (SPOILER) Gloomy's death really got to me.
1/10/2016 c24 JusticeRecieved
This story was my entire weekend, and I'm so grateful I found it. I have shed tears-soaked my pillow-reading Violet's story. She was so real; so full-fledged, so herself. Escaping into the world of fiction is something a lot of book lovers can relate to (myself included), and it was nice to see her embark on her own epic adventure, and at the very end realize that life is its own epic adventure.

Good work. Well done. Your talent is obvious. Thank you for making this world for me to read for hours and fall in love with.
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