8/28/2009 c1 Varun
Good poem, you have mentioned the vagaries of a relationship well ;-) keep writing!
Good poem, you have mentioned the vagaries of a relationship well ;-) keep writing!
6/3/2009 c1
love this! you're spinning your very own web with these words. lovely poem!
Write on,

love this! you're spinning your very own web with these words. lovely poem!
Write on,
5/25/2009 c1 Eloquent-Marionette
Oh! So wonderfully written! It's sad because she gave her heart away to someone she didn't really know because he had a way with words. And I like the very last staza because it shows how strong a hold this stranger has on the girls heart. Basically, he can do anything he wants with it and she can't do anything about it. It's very powerful but I really like it! It's a little bit different from your previous poems, but thats okay because I like it anyway. ;P Keep up the good work! *hugs*
Oh! So wonderfully written! It's sad because she gave her heart away to someone she didn't really know because he had a way with words. And I like the very last staza because it shows how strong a hold this stranger has on the girls heart. Basically, he can do anything he wants with it and she can't do anything about it. It's very powerful but I really like it! It's a little bit different from your previous poems, but thats okay because I like it anyway. ;P Keep up the good work! *hugs*