Just In
for At First Sight

8/28/2009 c1 Varun
Good poem, you have mentioned the vagaries of a relationship well ;-) keep writing!
6/3/2009 c1 93NineteenxStars
love this! you're spinning your very own web with these words. lovely poem!

Write on,

5/25/2009 c1 Eloquent-Marionette
Oh! So wonderfully written! It's sad because she gave her heart away to someone she didn't really know because he had a way with words. And I like the very last staza because it shows how strong a hold this stranger has on the girls heart. Basically, he can do anything he wants with it and she can't do anything about it. It's very powerful but I really like it! It's a little bit different from your previous poems, but thats okay because I like it anyway. ;P Keep up the good work! *hugs*


1/7/2009 c1 3Kristina Suko
Mm, it is different, but I still like it!


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