Just In
for Love Out Loud

10/7/2016 c40 Guest
you story rocks!:D
10/21/2012 c32 3IAmAnAeroplane
Haha! I knew it. Poor sarah, but good on her too! Can't wait to read the rest!
10/21/2012 c23 IAmAnAeroplane
Ok. so I'm gonna make a guess at something. And i know no-one cares what I say and blah blah... But y'know, I have a feeling. So I reckon John and Carly are *together*... Just a guess. DONT TELL ME! Anyways, another great chapter! :)
10/21/2012 c15 IAmAnAeroplane
Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh! Seth is evil :[
Can't wait for more... also, could you explain why sarah stays in a 5 star hotel?
Thanksss! Chapter 15 IM COMINGG!

10/20/2012 c9 IAmAnAeroplane
Uh oh spaghettio! John seems to have some anger management problems...But Nick is a bit desperate :) Can't wait to read the rest. Chapter 9... here I come!
10/20/2012 c2 IAmAnAeroplane
So far, I love it. Well written and very gripping! Though, I am not going to write a review til I finish, otherwise you'll have heaps! But love it so far
7/23/2012 c41 8Jo Suzuki
I really, REALLY loved this story! :D hahaha! Just so damn cute! Nick and Sarah are one of my most favourite couples on FP yet! :) And I love that Sarah's a strong, independent girl who's got a head of her own; I really have issues with sissy, rather, 'damsel-in-distress' kinds of protagonists! :P And Nick is perfect! Dream guy types! :P :D

Waiting for the sequel! Do write it soon! :D
4/5/2012 c9 MEEE P
Awesomeee story :) Keep up the good work w/ other storiezzzzz:)

But Alex and Carly are pretty bitchy, considering what they did to her when she hung out with Nick. Real friends would be happy for her. Byeez! :)
2/17/2012 c40 Navdeep
There must be a sequel! I will die if i don't know what happens!

Curse you Tyler! He ruined Nick and Sarah... Well in my opinion anyway.

2/17/2012 c12 Navdeep
Hey! I'm loving it so far and sorry about my last review i said i was 500 but i was 450. for some reason i have the number 500 in my head. Strange.

Anyway... Is Nick going to go out with Sarah? The suspense is killing!
2/17/2012 c1 Navdeep
Hey! I'm reviewer 500!

I'm loving it so far! I think that Sarah should go out with Nick!

Keep writing :D
3/28/2011 c1 MissCiya
luv it
5/7/2010 c41 5caw122182
This was a good plot. I love rock star stories. I wouldn't mind reading a full sequel either. please keep up the great work.
3/13/2010 c40 2Sweet.Linda
Oh my gosh!

Wow. This story is absolutely AMAZING.

I'm so happy everything worked out! And, the song, "Love Out Loud" is hilarious & sweet.

Nick is absolutely ah-dorable! I love him!

Jason is like one of the best brothers. xD


3/13/2010 c40 chocoholic dreamer
looking forward to the sequel xD

love your story :D
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