Just In
for Grasping Reality

8/23/2010 c21 6LaughsWithTears
It was random, funny, a little romantic, and VERY fruity. But I loved it!
8/21/2010 c17 LaughsWithTears
It's a bit confusing, but I'm pretty sure I know whats going on with Harvey. ::)
8/20/2010 c4 LaughsWithTears
... Interesting. I'll read more tomorrow and see how I like it.
7/7/2010 c21 11Crestfallen Smile. Happy Tears
That story was awesome! I just wish it didn't end so soon and Mark talked more.
5/30/2010 c21 Anonymous Santa
Haha, lovers it :D


Nice ending, nice story, and nice...beginning.

5/24/2010 c21 1pull harder
This is adorable.

And haha, I knew Mark would wake up eventually, but I'd hoped for a little more interaction between him and Alicia once he'd woken up. Besides that (and it's not even a complaint, really), I love this story. :)
5/19/2010 c21 8Slithering Sliver
Amazing story! It's so ful of love and random shizz and NINJAA! I loved it, you should really make more like this one lol
3/22/2010 c21 MK16

awesomesauce story!

3/22/2010 c14 MK16

I love pie :D

no joke

I did a speech in English on pie being th centre ofthe universe

not to mention the art work, essay and throeries I've made ;D

i love this story

can't wait to
1/23/2010 c21 Alanisaur
No! This cant be the end I wana see more of Mark! You know, you never confirmed my theory of Alicia being a soul thingy and talking to Harvy, but then she woke up. Yeah and I'm kinda dissapointed that it's over when there so much that coulc still go on. Like Andrea, you could through a cat fight there, a confession here, and voila they're no longer hostile to eachother! Or that weird kid that was singing in the bathroom, you could've made a little twist and give Alicia a secret admirer. I think I spelled that wrong, oh well.

Keep up the good work. =D

1/7/2010 c21 jacksvnw
Absolutely an awesome story! Hope to see more like this! :)
1/5/2010 c1 Ninja Jos
...I just noticed there was 99 reviews, so I decided to make it 100. xD

Your welcome? =P
12/20/2009 c20 Hidden Flowers
12/18/2009 c13 PERSON 202
I love this chapter it's funny.
11/1/2009 c21 1totalfailure
Oh my god! I absolutely loved every chapter! This story is hilarious at its points and follows with the drama. I seriously love how I would burst out laughing at one part but then be in total daze at how cute they [Harvey & Alicia] are. I wish I had a Mr. Peterson as one of my teachers. And the whole 'I'm gay' part with Harvey was a total shocker to me, thank god it wasn't true. Anyways, I should shut my mouth now ;)


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