Just In
for One Last Spin

7/27/2009 c1 Name
This stuff always makes me look inside myself. Something we all need to do, but I need more than most.

Love you friend
1/17/2009 c1 1incertus arcanum
This is extraordinary. I love the powerful emotion, with a rhyme scheme that just works. I may not have anything for you to look at,depending on when you read this. I just made this account.
1/11/2009 c1 NejikeruAme
Amazing. i love the imagry that you portrayed. it made the poem all the more personal and true. very well writen.

keep writing

1/11/2009 c1 45AStrangerToYou
Good poem. I like the imagery and the repeated parts. Well done ;)
1/11/2009 c1 Dante Algeri
This channels such powerful emotion to surface, something we have all felt before, but takes on a personal meaning to any reader. This is brilliant.

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