Just In
for Rush

5/17/2009 c1 66Chandra Grace
This is a truly wonderful story.

I could actually feel my heart wrenching as I read it.

I love how you show the commitment between these two lovers.

I am a little sad about the ending, but, in a sense, it is a nice and decent way to end something.

Your writing style is excellent, and I found it pleasing to read.

Keep writing!

~Chandra Grace
1/25/2009 c1 11crimson-reverie
man girl i think this one is one of my favorites...

i like how it changes. first you're regretful and then you're like oh what the fudge monkeys how did this happen, and then you let it resolve...

(like the fudge monkeys? i do!)
1/17/2009 c1 50GirlWithTheBrokenSmile
It's sad and well written, but I don't think I fully understand what happened...

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