Just In
for Red Violet

11/8/2009 c1 Pause Scream and Now Smile
ahh, I feel bad for the boy. But this is lovely so far. I really like it. =)
11/5/2009 c25 2Rae Simmons
Oh no! Not the smelly fruity stuff! Run for your life! -rofl- Aww, this was a pretty fluffy chapter, all things considered. It was nice. ^.^
10/16/2009 c24 1TheMiddleMan
I loved this story i just feel like i can connect to a lot of things with Zander... and he is so sweet! You have to keep going with this... I'll kepp on reviewing because i just love this!
10/14/2009 c24 6sliver of silver 101
how do you only have 24 reviews? that's only like one per chapter! SO not enough.

anyway, here's your 25th.

great story. spotted a few typos here and there, but life's okay. zander is ADORABLE. if i knew him, i think i'd give him a hug and a couple juice boxes and my teddy bear. i miss gwen, but gary's okay too. i kinda want to get to know his story more. i like how he's kinda the complete opposite of zander.

ALSO, sometimes i want to bash zander over the head with a rock or something. especially when he's being stupid. but that just adds to the real-ness of the story.

great job and update soon!

live. laugh. love

~ sliver of silver
10/13/2009 c24 Ground Shaking
Good chapter:)
10/11/2009 c23 5Beena
*humph* he's evil... I was thinking about this story recently, I've decided I don't want to read the original because you're writing the rewrite because you don't consider the original good enough. So I've decided to stick true to what you're trying to do and not read the original =)
10/10/2009 c23 Ground Shaking
I feel like this story is starting to really reach a good point.:) Please update soon:)
10/10/2009 c23 MookyLife
Wow! this is a wonderful story... I love the voice you gave Zander, and the humor. I loved this fic more than any of the books i got from the library. Update soon!
10/10/2009 c22 Sporkface
This is so amazing,
10/9/2009 c22 Ground Shaking
Wow, it's like my dream came true:):) Well anyways awesome update:) Looking forward to the next one:):)
10/9/2009 c21 Ground Shaking
I love, love, love, love this story! Please update soon
9/16/2009 c19 captainluigi
9/13/2009 c18 captainluigi
This is so good.

I can't describe .

But I do really want to hit Gary.
9/10/2009 c18 2Rae Simmons
Aw. Poor Zander, Gary really kinda reminds me of someone from my school. Well, a mix of two people actually, but that's beside the point.

Oh, and, why are you writing about me? I don't get it! Melanie's scary close to me, seriously. That's even my name, photography is my favorite hobby... Uh... Why? -shifty eyes-
8/26/2009 c17 5Beena
This story was really hard for me to read, but it kept me completely enticed. I have been diagnosed with depression and panic disorder/agoraphobia myself, but I've never been quite as bad as this kid.

The Gwen thing is so interesting to me, I've had a stalker and everything that Zander says, does and thinks reminds me so hauntingly of him it almost makes me sick.

The part where Zander is surrouded by the teenagers at the party and he has a panic attack definately hit home.

Apart from all the relevance I find in this story, it's a disgustingly good read. But sometimes I feel like it's going nowhere, so much of it is exactly the same, it pans out too much between climactic points.

But there is a lot about it that managed to keep me entirely enticed.

As for the douchefag that went through chapter by chapter and reviewed your grammar and spelling, well he can get over himself. A review is not a beta.

Zander's character is well developed, but he repeats himself a lot.

Gwen is generally unresponsive sometimes, we can't guess how she's feeling a lot and sometimes Zander's pessimistic views taint ours a little.

This story is great, nonetheless, please keep writing. =)
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