Just In
for Red Violet

8/26/2009 c8 5Beena
Why do I feel like this story is going around in circles?
8/26/2009 c17 3talye05
Must...click...review button!

-gives in-

xD Gary amuses me to no end. I was kind of upset when Zander saw Gwen kissing Isaac though; goth boy gets no love. ): Did Gwen realize how obsessed Zander was when he went off on his mini-tirade about how he'd throw himself off a building if she asked? (Now that I think of that, it would be kind of hard not to...)

Well, at least he has his plushies, if nothing else. (Har har, Gary the snail...)
8/21/2009 c8 79Doxie Doll
This story makes me cry. I have a friend just like this, minus the goth clothes and suicide attempts.

8/20/2009 c1 7The Egg
A kindergartener saying "shut the hell up"? Give me a break, ha. Otherwise this chapter was decent; I'm interested to see where the story will take me, and how Alex will develop. It's pretty rare to see a story start at the early childhood of the protagonist.

8/19/2009 c10 6sliver of silver 101
ah! you took my advice! (well, probably not, but it makes me happy thinking u did)

yay! i'm happy!

anyway, Zander is still as interesting as ever, and we're getting into Gwen personality a little! good job again!

live. laugh. love.

~ sliver of silver
8/19/2009 c10 AwesomerErin
-Chapter 9-

“Yes, but you’re at church. Have a taught you nothing about tact?”

(Check out the last sentence)



8/18/2009 c8 sliver of silver 101
for some reason, i just LOVE that he likes juice boxes and stuffed animals and that he gets angry over absolutely nothing. i can totally relate! (but no, i don't cut myself or think my life sucks) he's like a little kid. it's adorable!

anyway, great chapter! gwen should come into the story more, but i have a feeling that'll happen soon. =D

live. laugh. love

~ sliver of silver
8/17/2009 c7 AwesomerErin

Scowling, Alex L. ripped his ruined coloring page in half before walking to the shelf. The milk cartons had been delivered about ten minutes ago, and he picked up two with caution. Because he though mad cow disease could seep through the wet cardboard, he was careful not to touch the cold parts.

(Add a ‘t’ to) though

Alex L. didn't walk over to the classroom sink. He was growing angrier by the second. Everyone treated him like he was stupid. It wasn’t fair at all. Why should he have known where the paper towels were? He decided to handle this like a grown-up.

(Shouldn’t it be) more angry (rather than) angrier


-Chapter 1-

I wouldn’t have minded being roadkill, I thought as I shaded the mangled rabbit I’d drawn in the margin of my suicide note. I wasn’t sure if I felt like killing myself right now, though. Life sucked, but I was missing the end of history, which meant ten fewer minutes of Brandon Jordan poking me. Maybe I shouldn’t have called him a stupid fuckwad, but he was a stupid fuckwad. Either way, I was now sitting here quite peacefully with Marilyn Manson blaring in my ears, so maybe I wasn’t having such a bad day after all—

(How about italicizing) I wouldn’t have minded being roadkill (?)


-Chapter 4-

“I’m not getting the door! Youget the door! I can’t get the door!” I said, panicking. My mother didn’t understand the urgency of this situation. I didn’t have any young-looking female friends. It could have been anyone. It could have been Gwen. I didn’t know why Gwen would’ve come to my house, but it was completely possible….

(Space between) Youget


-Chapter 5-

“You already got to miss plenty of school, and you can’t afford to use up any more absences. Knowing you, you’ll need them. Besides, I’m going shopping with the ladies today,a and I can’t leave you home alone. Quit being such a brat and finish your waffle,” she said, now sounding annoyed.

(Fix) today,a

“Oh, okay. Ilove your new hair, by the way. It doesn’t look like came out of a pond covered in algae anymore. You really should’ve let me touch it up because it looked so cool when it was new. But now it’s just all black, and that’s cool, too. Black is the best color.”

(Space between) Ilove


-Chapter 6-

“Isn’t he the one Jesse found trying to an hero?” blurted a boy with very straight hair and an eyebrow piercing. He looked like a senior.

(Uhh…I’d look at the dialogue.)

“Ew, Gwen, why are you reading that crap?” said Rhinoceros Girl, who had returned with her fries, and she snatched the magazine out of Gwen’s hands. “I hope you’re only reading it to be ironic.”

(Question…wasn’t she getting chips?)
8/17/2009 c7 sliver of silver 101
this is most definitely one of my favorite stories! Zander's totally not those cookie cutter characters that have nothing wrong with them at all! it's great!

your characterazition is amazing also.

the only thing i would say is that so far, the plot seems to be going nowhere.

BUT, i will keep reading this. because you have definitely intrigued me.

live. laugh. love

- sliver of silver 101
3/7/2009 c4 3talye05

Another chapter, yay!

-helps Zander stabbity the giant scone- Have at thee, evil scone-beast!

Keep up the great work! -gives a truckload of pies for having a great story with awesome grammar and spelling-
3/4/2009 c3 1AndWeWatchThisCityBurn
Okay this story is like, single handedly one of the greatest character developments I've ever read, I was surprised when I saw you only had 2 reviews so I was all 'hell no, she needs more.' I think a threat is in order. :D

If you don't update soon I devour your esophagus.
2/14/2009 c2 11Clementine Augustine
I really enjoy the updated version. Zander is a great character, partially because he appeals to my love of anything that is seemingly or actually alternative :).

I love how realistic he is and how you didn't try to force the reader into liking/pitying/hating any of the characters; it happened with the help of your quite excellent writing skills of making interesting characters and portraying them nicely.

I hope you continue redoing this story. It's lovely.
1/19/2009 c2 3talye05
Yay! I love this story so far. I'm tempted to go back and read the un-revised version of it, but I'm holding off because I think I'd rather read the revised version the first time through, and maybe after that's done I'll go back and read through the other version just to try and spot the differences, lol.

Zander is an interesting main character. Quite imperfect, unlike a lot of main characters people tend to use in their stories. I mean, while it's true that it's all fictional, it's still best to have characters that are believable, and likable, which I think Zander is. =) Gwen sounds interesting, too; I can't wait to see more of her in the upcoming chapters.

Keep up the good work, and I can't wait to read more!
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