Just In
for The Ultimate Love and Lose

6/16/2009 c1 Stormin Mormon
A pretty interesting beginning. I'm waiting to see where this goes.
1/19/2009 c1 3Starrgal18
Interesting. Do we get to find out what Zeke did? Is it William with her at the end? I hope so. Criticizing: It's a little short and kinda too fast paced. Otherwise, good job, and I can't wait for more.
1/19/2009 c1 11Love2Love1Laugh
This is really, really good. I really am looking up to reading what's next, if there is a next. There better be a next. I just think you could of used a comma in a few places where they weren't, which is minimal. Also, so words were used as adjectives instead of verbs. It's great though, great cliff hanger.

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