Just In
for One of the Boys

2/9/2009 c8 kosocielo
Happy Birthday. Love this chapter. I hope that charlie acuses the guys that hit her.
2/9/2009 c8 Hazelnut Romance
update soon! happy early birthday. can something happen to tyler, charlie and dalton? something dramatic?
2/8/2009 c8 6Broken Lies
hi i really liked this chapter and am happy that u FINALLY updated! but however i wish it was longer and that the kiss was in there considering the long wait! i'm not complaining though this was a good chapter!

luv ya Broken lies
2/8/2009 c8 tessahawthorne
Awesome story! i loved your other ones and you've got another winner with this one! =]
2/8/2009 c8 Ellen
Hey. Thanks for uploading. :]

Happy Early Birthday~ ^^
2/8/2009 c8 qtanimeluvr
Wow great chapter i luv how he called her his girl
2/8/2009 c8 Natalie
wow...just wow. i adore this story...

i just started reading it today, but i'm already hooked.

happy birthday btw.

its actully almost my birthday too.

just seventeen more days and i'll finally be fifteen...

but i digress...your story is amazing.

can't wait to read more!
2/8/2009 c5 qtanimeluvr
get the back together! i feel so bad for charlie :(
2/8/2009 c8 5MrAshley420
nice, finally an update. [btw happy birthday] =]]
2/8/2009 c8 1I blend in with snow
This chapter is amazing! I love it!

You have to update really soon... not like last time.

2/8/2009 c8 naz292

its getting better and better...hope tyler gets wht he deserves...xx
2/8/2009 c8 5DesireToSmile

Aww, Dalton is such a sweetheart
2/8/2009 c8 3Lost and No One Cares


Dunn leave it there.

Happy Early B-day. ^^
2/8/2009 c8 Aletha Lane
First of all, Happy Birthday!..early.


How can you stop right there? I loved this chapter, it was so cute.

(sorry for the brazilian girl english, again...)
2/8/2009 c8 8Harlequin Friday
I like the last line.

Dalton's so cute with the song thing
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