Just In
for One of the Boys

6/5/2010 c11 m
AHG COME ON! NONONONO! you can not just leave us hanging with that whole alone in the honeymoon suite! nuh uh not cool just SO not cool, PLEASE keep writing!
5/21/2010 c11 8Francine Brown
NO! lol i must know what happens next! damn you!

~Francine Brown
5/14/2010 c10 15abbiexcx1990x
OMG I love this chap. If you continue this story I will be extremely interested to know what comes next.

Rosalie Abbigail
5/14/2010 c9 abbiexcx1990x
I love their sweet banter. Stupid red head... Naw they are becoming such a cute couple
5/14/2010 c8 abbiexcx1990x
Two chapters left.

Cant wait for the next chapter. I love how everything is developing
5/14/2010 c7 abbiexcx1990x
I think Dalton was just made to be horny. Great chapter. Heaps happens, cant wait to see the repercussions
5/14/2010 c6 abbiexcx1990x
Another epic chap. Im sad that there are only a few more chaps but I'll take what I can get
5/14/2010 c11 abbiexcx1990x
I really hope you do continue this eventually. This is a brilliant story and I hope you wil one day have the pleasure of completing it

5/14/2010 c5 abbiexcx1990x
I love the new development. I loved how they automatically had that attraction but now that they are driven apart the story is even more realistic.
5/14/2010 c4 abbiexcx1990x
I actually like the pace that the plot is moving at. It sucks the reader immediately. Great job with everything so far
5/14/2010 c3 abbiexcx1990x
Another brilliant chapter. Love how it is developing.
5/14/2010 c2 abbiexcx1990x
Great chap. I like how it isnt a hate-hate relationship exactly. Cant wait to ead further
5/14/2010 c1 abbiexcx1990x
I loved Our Room but I actually think that this might be even better. I love the characters so far you introduced them really well. All your stories are epic

4/18/2010 c3 Rachael
Great story have not finshed it yet but it great so far.
2/24/2010 c11 7smurf-love
lol i love how they are staying in the honeymoon suit, that just made y night reading that...its so funny! lol
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