Just In
for His Fire

12/3/2012 c1 bluebells104
Hottt! Niceee:)

- Bella
9/9/2011 c1 Tatiana
So I was never into the whole slash thing. Then my gay friend demanded I read this particular story. He said, "but Taaaaaaatiiiiii, it's soooooo hot!" now imagine that in a feminie gay fourteen-year-old voice. So yeah, it IS pretty hot. Quite a few grammatical errors, though.

-Tatiana, the extremely critical story critic
7/2/2011 c1 9Transmundane1456
lol nice comments of edward and jacob.
6/25/2011 c1 3Not Abigale
Lmao, wow that awesome, hope u continue to write over stories
10/8/2009 c1 Taylor n Mia
7/19/2009 c1 4Craving No Mercy
Very well written with really likeable characters =]

-Craving No Mercy
4/25/2009 c1 Poptart Guava King
That was great!
2/11/2009 c1 Elli Fay
Lol, nice comment with the Edward and Jacob thing. the story was really good to =D
2/5/2009 c1 1techiegirl
O_O wow...where is my boyfriend! fucktastic job xD
1/31/2009 c1 45Jessicuh
I really liked this story! It was great!

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