Just In
for Not For Me

7/6/2009 c15 112SmashedIce.X
Hey, great chapter! Interesting how Aura is beginning to think about the 'fake' relationship now! :)
7/5/2009 c15 pinkeclipse
i cant believe that tyran is or was ever in love with his ex...
7/5/2009 c15 XxButterflyxAngelxBabygirl
awesome chapter! wonder what Chris was thinking about when he was talking to Mali. hope everything is okay between Chris and Aura! hope you can continue again soon!
7/5/2009 c15 chng234
chris shld forget abt his ex-gf. afterall, she cheated on her. aura is a nice gal, hope chris will treasure her.
6/13/2009 c14 6jayniee
I have to exams on Monday, so you better bet an update this week!

Anyways, the wait time was worth it! Great chapter! Update as soon as exams finish! :D
6/13/2009 c14 twilight24

It just gets better and better with every chapter. I like the way that the Chris' and Aura's relationship is progressing. It's really sweet how he stood by her even when she was going through such hard times. And ugh! Leigh makes me so freakin mad!
6/11/2009 c14 1Kimberlli
Ok, so, one question. Don't I get to appear at the story for like 5 seconds to smack Leigh on the head fo being so mean. And another 5 seconds to tell James how much I love him?

... *author talks*

ok.. fine what about two seconds for each?

... *author talks again*

ok.. what abour 0.5 SECONDS?

... *author talks once again*

fine, you big meanie.

I know,, I'm beggining to get repetitive and stuff, but I love Tynan. Ok, Kim will review the story..

Great Great Great, Chapter. When i read the tittle was ''Gone'' i was like 'skahdjskajs she killed James!' but then I calmed down, and blah blah.

Why couldn't James middle name be something else? Arthur? Ok.. Just promise you won't say it again *author talks* You're mean, you know?

Ok, Kim's going to go to bed now. :)

btw. Awesome story:D
6/11/2009 c14 2jillie4eva
I think that Leigh is really pissing me off! i hope that Rellie and Tynan accidently kiss and then Leigh sees them. Leigh should then go crazy and then Chris and his roommates (4got the names) should help them out and get Leigh arrested or something!

then they should break-uo for having feelings for each other. Then they should realize that without each other hey aren't that happy

YAY happy ending!

good job on this Chapter! There are a few gramatical mistakes but you can fix it! I support you fully and am glad you wrote a chapter! But i have to guess...is your school out? ALREADY?

good luck with the finals
6/10/2009 c14 XxButterflyxAngelxBabygirl
yay! James is okay! loved the chapter! wonder what Leigh has planned now...hope you can continue again soon! good luck on your exams!
6/10/2009 c14 natti101
Hey :) I just wanted to say that I just found your stories and read Not for Me and They Call It Karma. I wanted to say now: Thank you so much for bringing me out of my 'no good stories' rut. Your work is amazing, and I love how I could identify with the characters. I do hope you get another chapter in soon...Good Luck with Exams :)
6/10/2009 c14 112SmashedIce.X
Hey, good chapter! Aww, poor James, hope he gets better soon! Leigh is one freaky dude, what's his problem? Great writing as always! :)
6/10/2009 c14 JZK
James has quite a twisted but meaningful sence of humour. it was very sweet of him to try and make a joke despite his position jusdt to cheer his best friend up.

I should be revising for exams too instead of reading but I couldnt resist reading another chapter - lol
6/10/2009 c14 alwaysautumn

Don't worry we all get caught up with other stuff ;)

So...I have come to the conclusion that Tynan and Aura should just freaking say that they both like each other. He likes Aura, because we all know he does. And we know that she likes him too. And they both know they like eachother...well at least subconsiously...Gahh. Fake relationships are always messy. They best way to deal with them is not to have anything to do with that ;D I sound like an old grandma. Lol. Not that there's anything wrong with being an old grandma.

And Leigh! That kid should be struck by a bolt of lighting. Geez. There's not many things I seriously dislike in this world. There's tomatoes, vegetables in general, maths, jerks and then there's homophobes. Now really can't he just build a bridge and get over himself. Gosh. End-of-Leigh-rant. XD Sorry.

*Getting some seriously edgy vibes here* (from all the sinister-dropping-of-hints) I guess I'll just be sitting tight until the next chapter!

x reeka
6/9/2009 c14 chng234
i hate leigh. i hope the police will capture him soon. chris being a smart guy, shld soon realise that leigh is out to harm aura
6/9/2009 c14 pinkeclipse
hope tyran is not going to be easy to get rid of!
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