Just In
for Not For Me

5/3/2009 c12 JZK
urgh - it sad knowing that leighs going to do soemthing horrible
5/3/2009 c12 112SmashedIce.X
Hey! Yay, I got to read this update on my birthday! (3rd May) I loved this chapter, especially the last part. :) Great work as always! x
5/2/2009 c12 6jayniee
Like always, awesome chapter! Ugh! I hate it that Leigh has something planned! I wish he would just disappear. I sort of feel sorry for him, but he is ruining Aura and Tynan's happily ever after. Maybe he should get a hobby? Well other than stalking rich people...

Can't wait till next week! :D
5/2/2009 c12 ABC123
Yay, you updated.

Anyways, I was wondering if you had any idea how long this one was going to be. Just out of curiosity.

This was a nice treat to get after my soccer game and doing homework so it kinda made my day.

Leigh creeps me out and seems to have possible anger management issues.

I can't wait for your next update.
5/2/2009 c12 pinkeclipse
LOVED the chapter! cant wait to see what will happen after leigh's thoughts!
5/2/2009 c12 XxButterflyxAngelxBabygirl
awesome chapter! wonder what Leigh has planned now. so cute with Chris and Aura! hope you can continue again soon!
4/27/2009 c11 SparklingStar25
why is Aura being soo defensive about Leigh?

is it because their friendship is really soo deep or just cuz everyones telling her not to trust him that she's grown too annoyed?

and..lol..Jenna's amazing! i think she does approve of Tynan..maybe..?

n he tried to cheer her up later!squel!^^

cant believe Aura said that at the end...hahaha!

cant wait for his reaction..lol
4/26/2009 c11 twilight24
haha, see, everyone hates Leigh! He's just some creepy stalker guy that's way too possessive about Aura...when she already has a "boyfriend"!

And aww, that was sweet of Chris. He overlooked everything that had happened and instead thought of trying to make Aura happy. I thought that was really cute. And he said that Aura was pretty...or at least that her neck was pretty!

And really, Aura does seem like she's falling for Chris! Now, if she'd only forget about a certain someone who nobody else likes...
4/26/2009 c11 ProudToBeALoser
once again... MORE! lol

4/26/2009 c11 pinkeclipse
in so happy he let her drive his car!
4/25/2009 c11 sw33tdaisie
aw...I wanted to see Tynan's reaction to her reaction! Also I'm glad the main boys in her life are wary of Leigh and instantly don't like him...hopefully she'll get the hint and start to notice things that are not right with him. Thanx for da review!
4/25/2009 c11 1WanderingLight
Sorry I didn't review sooner. My review for Chapter ten is that you did a great job with the emotions of the character, and the story is really building suspense. It's amazing seeing your improvement. Thanks for the advice on the writer's block and I bear good news because it is getting easier pulling through it. I'm about three to four chapters ahead.

I see what you mean on him not being able to see right through her. Maybe it's because Aura is way different than other girls, and perhaps more real. She strikes me as a bit naive, as she trusts Leigh so quickly. While it took her forever to finally get along with Chris. She's headstrong when with Tynan. In reality, there is always those people you naturally just don't 'click' with, or at least not right away ;)

Chapter eleven was very amusing and it's great to see you balance the two. Update soon.
4/25/2009 c11 6jayniee
Great chapter! It's so funny how she only admits she loves him because he let her drive his car! Update soon! :D
4/25/2009 c11 1Kimberlli
:O I haven't reviewed in 2 chapter, TWO! Ok thenn.. enogh of that! :)

I would've loved to drive too.. if it wasn't for the two small facts that I would've smahsed his car, adn i don't have a driver's liscence. YAY ME! Okay, weird.. uh.. yeah..

'I’m always a big believer in my “woman’s intuition”' Thais was TOO funny!

'Today definitely hadn’t gone smoothly – she had been attacked by an abrupt hormone fit at the mere sight of Tynan’s bare back and now she was thinking about all the girls that had been fortunate enough to keep the blonde’s attention.' Muahahahah do I see atraction? huh? huh? HUH? ok I think this enough coke for the day! (:

Uh.. yeah I don't know what else to put :o Butt I love Chris! =D Had I ever told you that?
4/25/2009 c11 XxButterflyxAngelxBabygirl
awesome chapter! I wonder what will happen between the two now. They're really getting used to each other, and now Aura's getting a little hormonal. this should get rather interesting. hope you can continue again soon!
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