Just In
for Not For Me

8/17/2009 c20 112SmashedIce.X
Heya, good chapter! I hope Aura and Tynan escape from the evil clutches of Leigh...
8/17/2009 c20 chng234
chris saved the day! i wan him to beat leigh for causing such harm to aura
8/13/2009 c19 3Madz95
Heyya! Okay so I just started reading your story and its ends on this chapter which is COMPLETELY dramatic. I love your story! I was like OMG BEST STORY EVER. I found it on SKOW (and like I mentioned it I like it a lot!) I'm sorta writing my own story, (definitely not as good as yours) but mine has a little bit of relating to my actual character which is cool. :) Anyways, just wanted to say UR AMAZING! How do you pronounce Auras full name? JW. K sorry for this like sorta kinda not really that long thing, I just thought everyone
8/13/2009 c19 112SmashedIce.X
Omigosh, I can't believe that just happened! I'm desperate to know what happens now! :)
8/12/2009 c19 1Kimberlli

Great Chapter:D I love it! It's so sad, but great at the same time.

Now, OH MY GOSHIRIRIRIRIRIRING GOSH! You won, you won, you WON. W.O.N. Congratulations, CONGRATULATIONS. :D This deserves a celebration=D.


- Kimbelli.
8/12/2009 c19 flowingypsy
I really enjoyed 'They Call It 'Karma'' and I really like this as well, it brings out Tynan's personality and Leigh is a total freak, how obsessive can a person be?
8/11/2009 c19 iiHEARTyuu
No, you can't leave us hanging like that! I need to know what happens! Bah lol.

Drama, drama, drama ... Oh my, poor Chris :( and Aura!

Argh, Leigh's pyscho! Why must he feel the need to do things like this? It saddens me that he feels that it is right. And poor Aura & James have to suffer because he's crazy.

Oh, I noticed that in the middle of the chapter you repeated a paragraph (the second one has an extra sentence) ... "Here he was in love with Rellie – perfectly aware that she reciprocated his feelings to some extent – and yet he couldn’t seem to do anything about it. Tynan was torn between his desire for something more and his deep fear of her open rejection."

I really liked Chris' POV, it was cute :)

Can't wait for the next chapter! Please update soon!
8/10/2009 c19 Anonymous
Amazing chapter. I'm looking forward to the rest and cannot wait to see Aura and Tynan together.
8/10/2009 c19 just-another-pretty-girl
AH! what the bleep? im yelling, what is wrong with leigh? and at the same time, im beggin tynan to relaize whats happened to aurellia! agh, im going crazy.
8/10/2009 c19 6jayniee
Great chapter! Oh I am standing on end, please update soon! I can't wait to find out what happens, but I'm sad there are only to more chapter left. But I guess all good things must come to an end :D
8/10/2009 c19 DecemberInk
Okay, so I don't really review, mainly due to the fact that I start reading a story when it's already really progressed and I'm a lazy person. (Don't feel bad...I only started reviewing for Myrika after like the 3rd story of hers I read. xD)

But...I was just so pleasantly surprised by this new Beck's POV that I felt it really earned kudos. I'm really glad to see this new insight to Beck, and how he's really just a normal guy, but trys to play it cool. I mean, I kind of suspected that was the case, but it's nice to be reassured. So, before I embarrass myself further, I just wanted to say thanks for another great chapter.
8/10/2009 c19 11kiwi.boba
I noticed that there are two paragraphs that repeated each other.

I'm not sure if you did it on purpose, but just thought I point it out. ^_^

Great chapter :D
8/10/2009 c19 10Kaleigh Windelynn
GASP! NO! Chris can't drop everything! He can't! He's gonna come help the Blakes to find Aura right? Please don't harm Aura...much lol. UPDATE! Btw, your writing is still amazing
8/10/2009 c19 XxButterflyxAngelxBabygirl
Oh my gosh! Stupid, evil Leigh! I hope Tynan is the one that saves her. I wonder what will happen next. I hope you can continue again soon! I loved this chapter! I hope Aura is okay!
8/10/2009 c19 midnight tales
this is an awesome chapter!

Leigh is such a perverted ahole. how can he force someone to fall in love with him ?

if Chris would just look into the car clearly, he would've seen aura !

I hope he'll go kick leigh's ass and save the day! XD
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