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for Thanks for the Porridge

11/25/2009 c1 4jalicecullen

well, that was lovely :)
11/1/2009 c1 16Wanderer With a Broken Heart
I totally thought that Goldilocks was going to die... I thought the bears might have taken the knife. I like this version though. Twisted fairy tales are always interesting. I loved the song at the end! :D
10/7/2009 c1 1Shwa46
Wow that was definetly different! In a good way though! I really thought that they would eat Goldilocks, I totally forgot about the knife! Well I always love a good twist!
9/11/2009 c1 3Nave Entertainment
LOL! what a twisted story, well written though.

And I like the surprise ending, did not see that coming! would have preffered it if the bears ate Goldilocks though D:. Oh well xD.
2/18/2009 c1 Cady
Creepy, but in a pleasant way. I love the darker side of Goldilocks. But how about the chairs? Anything special that happens, or did you intentionally skip them to move the plot along? Maybe that's where she stashes the knife? But I love it, although I might have to change the locks on my doors and remember not to leave porridge out...
2/13/2009 c1 6Nightmareality
I thought it was hilarious. Really. Just the thought of that little girl getting all stabby on three bears, decapitating one and leaving her ribbon on its head, writing on the walls in their blood, and leaving with a song in her heart makes me laugh. A few spelling/grammar errors, but overall, it was good.
2/13/2009 c1 1Taylor Jayn
You know, they should totally tell this version to the children. Stop them from breaking into houses ^_^
2/13/2009 c1 5Jumpin'JackFlash16
Haha I loved the ending
2/13/2009 c1 16Crysta Mayville
That was AMAZING! I loved the twist at the end, I did NOT see that coming!
2/13/2009 c1 Moonpig123
Not bad-I like the idea of the story, but (agreeing with Knight of Nightmares) you could have definitely gone further with the twisted mirror view of Goldilocks as a knife-wielding psycho. There were also a couple of pieces of grammar that sounded slightly odd, but they didn't really distract me.

Overall, good job-maybe you could do a suitably demented version of something like Jack and the Beanstalk, or Little Red Riding Hood? I'd read those... ;p
2/12/2009 c1 6mister mister
That was seemily chilling but not chilling enough. I wanted to feel my heart race with fear and to question your sanity. It was a good story, but I felt you could so much better.

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