Just In
for Intrusive and Arrogant

7/25/2023 c10 Jinw
dammit this had so much potential. ruined it with the nc arc. but well written so favoriting
1/6/2022 c10 Guest
Really good work! Keep doing what you're doing!
8/23/2019 c10 Caleana
12/8/2017 c9 Guest
I want a teacher/student fic. That's my request to you and I will ask until the day I die.
12/4/2017 c9 AmiyuhlovesBTS
I can definitely see the difference between now and your latest works. But I loved it nonetheless.
12/3/2017 c5 AmiyuhlovesBTS
I wish I can comment in between the passages like Wattpad, that would be awesome...but I LOVED IT!
12/3/2017 c4 AmiyuhlovesBTS
I. LOVED. IT. Of course I liked the end the best. This only makes me more eager to read the next chapter!
12/3/2017 c2 AmiyuhlovesBTS
I'm so excited for the rest!
12/3/2017 c1 AmiyuhlovesBTS
I've only read the first chapter so far, I'm already familiar with Cali so I expect nothing that I won't love. I can already tell that I'm going to love the characters!
9/4/2017 c6 Guest
Now we're getting somewhere...keep it coming. We all love you and your writing. Read all other stories that I could find on other sites. Thanks
6/20/2017 c1 Suzy
I love it
2/1/2017 c10 DoNot3
Loved it & was wonderif you did in fact write a sequel what it was called & wheter you posted it here or on your account. I am DoNot3 on the other site if you could PM me the answer.
2/1/2017 c10 Silent-fart
:') that was bootyful but nothing compared to 'brutal brother'
1/7/2017 c10 Guest
9/23/2016 c7 Lolah
Jack is so so naive...poor thing
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