Just In
for Shift

2/12/2010 c1 5Vineta
This story is so good! I was in the middle (ch. 8) when you took it down. Will you have it back up soon? I hope so. Thanks for all the amazing stories!
12/17/2009 c12 Yellow.Jellow
If he left a shirt at her house, does that mean that he left her house half-naked?
12/7/2009 c1 TasteYourSins
WHO could that cat be...?

yes, i think it's a WHO. =))
11/20/2009 c3 Yellow.Jellow
Oh, he's very much a cat person, is he? I think I see some foreshadowing... well first I was thinking the brothers are the big cats and alex was the one that "attacked" Mya... but then I thought... it couldn't be him... so maybe they're still cats but there are also dangerous ones lurking around? Either way... good story, very different from your others.
11/10/2009 c1 4Lady Tara Antonette
I really enjoyed this story keeping writing!
10/31/2009 c5 1Jinxed Rogue
You've got me on the edge of my seat.

::sighs:: Why do people think that Twilight invented the bad boy with a supernatural secret?
10/31/2009 c2 Jinxed Rogue
I'm really liking the feel of this story.
10/15/2009 c19 10balloonfista
AW. I love this story! It's awesome...love the way you've shaped your characters and Mya n Alex are simply fabulous!

10/6/2009 c19 blahbookblah
Aw, I love this story. (: Such a perfect ending, too. Sequel? =D
9/16/2009 c19 Dead Deactivated
AW such cute ness at the end :D
9/14/2009 c18 ephemeral
Wow! Awesome story...I hope that you'll write more stuffs like that :D A sequel of the brothers maybe? Its so refreshing to read about level headed heroines in mystery stories instead of those that charge head on to trouble. I like that the drama and chemistry in this story is slightly different from your usual :) Keep up the awesome work!
9/6/2009 c19 6Mockin' Bird
I don't know, but i just find the ending really...weird? But nice story on the whole.
9/6/2009 c18 Mockin' Bird
Whoa, this is one of the most unexpected yet simple twist. Never saw that coming, you got me there. And to think i suspected Alex.
9/6/2009 c16 Mockin' Bird
Ooh, cliff hanger. That's why i prefer completed stories, so i don't need to wait.
9/6/2009 c15 Mockin' Bird
I'm not trusting Alex. Nice writing. No mistakes that i see, fantastic.
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