Just In
for Marrying the 'Vitch'

5/13/2013 c4 9AKhwab
I really liked the ending of the chapter. Then part where Nuvleen & Lucan were together.
5/12/2013 c3 AKhwab
That was the best most effing good chapter ever. Make sense? I hope so! I LOVED the chapter. Most of all, I loved their flirting. Makes me wish why isn't there a guy who'd flirt with me like that. But nevermind! I'll wait :) Am I supposed to read Hiring a Hooligan before this? Can I not read HAH before this?
5/12/2013 c2 AKhwab
That was a LONG chapter indeed. So far, I like the story. It's just that the hindi movie part was seriously draggy. I couldn't stand reading it. So I just skimmed it. Hope I didn't miss anything big! Also, I like this Lucan guy. Seems like a dream ;;)
5/8/2013 c9 Boo
I really love this story so Please update whenever you have some time. Please! :)
4/25/2013 c9 Guest
This story is amazing! I love it so much! I read "Hiring a Hooligan" also and loved it! Really really really really wish you would update it soon! :)
4/12/2013 c9 Guest
I'm trying to hold in the laughter but I'm starting to snort. I don't want to know what my parents think!
4/4/2013 c9 1PanicAttacker
I was under the impression halvah was a Russian food? I don't know if it's a different food with the same name or whatnot, but are you talking about the weird grayish stuff that comes in compact squares but absolutely falls apart when you break it up, kinda into small chunks and stuff? If it is, I have got to say I love that stuff. Ah,good to be Russian.
3/27/2013 c9 2Yuzuki15
Wow! So I just read this all in one-go!
It's a pity this story isn't finished... :C
Is there any chance for you to finish it?
3/23/2013 c7 heal me forever
i wish u update dis pz it been more dan 2 yrs plx wat happnd why r u not updating?
3/18/2013 c9 1I-am-a-Firefly
You have really long chapters. That's a good thing.
I was mildly offended by the Brampton stereotype (I live there) but it's true. Very true, actually.
It's spelled CanadiEns. With an e. The hockey team.
Love your stories! This is good stuff. Stayed up till 6am reading and can't wait for the next update!
3/9/2013 c8 Noori
where is your next chapter? I find one good story to read to find it incomplete. :
If you've lost all inspiration, it's okay, just finish it for the sake of not leaving anything incomplete.
2/7/2013 c9 mary
soooo you don't update for three years and you left off just when the getting was good. I hope it's because the next chapter is just that fucking amazing.
1/25/2013 c6 Laylalee
Hi, I have read this story so many times, I think this is my bajillionth time. I know that you probably are not going to update again, especially since it has been so long since your last update, but I just wanted to let you know I enjoy your story so much and hope that one day you will return to writing. I'm actually a nursing student as well, so I understand what a busy schedule you much have! Regardless, thank you so much for gifting us with your adorable storytelling!
1/25/2013 c2 3tansa2345
Please, please, I'm now on my knees begging you to please put up the next chapter. I need a Lucan-fix and need it badly.

By the way absolutely adore this story!

P.S originally I intended for this review to go onto chapter 9' but due to a rule that states I can only review a certain chapter once, I have resorted to finding any chapter that I can post a review onto.
1/23/2013 c9 serena
update please?
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