Just In
for Marrying the 'Vitch'

3/14/2009 c1 kayoko123
I'm a new reader of yours so I suppose I can at a great time! I always put off reading Hiring a Hooligan since it was considered a "dead fic" so thanks for finishing it and starting its spin-off.

I really look forward to Lucan's story!

I must admit that it's a little difficult to wrap my little head around accented Indian in written form.

Thanks for writing. I'm really looking forward to the rest of this story!
3/14/2009 c1 ChemicalRomance
Hey lady! It's good to see you back to work, I loved the ending to Hiring a Hooligan. Will Janie and Rafe be present much in this story? And how about Suril, seeing as his parents come from the same country as this first chapter, am I correct?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to this story! Awesomeness!
3/14/2009 c1 FlyingBlind
Interesting start to the story, looking forward to see what happens next.
3/14/2009 c1 2Replace Bulb
Oh I'm so excited for this one! Btw, Iove your writing style
3/14/2009 c1 5Camelia Sinensis
This was so much fun. I absolutely loved the accent - and I can just tell i'll love Navleen & her mom.

Is she a widow? Already? And how the hell is she gonna end up in Canada? Cheers!
3/14/2009 c1 Kjersti
Great start. I can't wait to read more. Keep up the good work! :) (Oh - and Kalaa Maa was hilarious in a disgusting kind of way. :D)
3/14/2009 c1 Our Lady Silence
Oh, could she be uber smart too?

You know, the smart guys are always attracted to the smart girls, that's why they always get together...leaving me in their wake...

Thanks for reviving your fictionpress adventures. We love you!
3/13/2009 c1 goodshirt
Oh, hell yes please. I generally hate character sequels, because of how they start them (from the continuing character's POV) so this is just gold.

YAY! I love her already :P
3/13/2009 c1 LakersBaker
I am so super excited to see a new story from you, especially a tie-in with Hiring a Hooligan, you have no idea! Thank you so much for sharing this with the world, Navleen is sounding cynically fantastically awesome so far and I can't wait to see her meet Lucan and the rest of the crew. She definitely sounds like my kind of girl.

Also, on a more serious note, I really admire how you manage to portray differences in people - ethnicities, sexuality, lifestyles, you manage to make it all fit together somehow, making it seem like you're actually peeking in on someone's life, instead of just reading a fable. Everyone has a story, a personality and even if you don't like the people, you still can't help but feel like they easily could be real people, with both flaws and loveable qualities and if you were left alone for too long, you could probably learn to love them. (You even made me end up liking Katrina, in an odd sort of way, and that's quite rare with the token Evil Bitch, I think, since they tend to be more caricatures for the reader to hate than anything else.) And you showed everything with dignity - if that's the word - and openmindedness, and I really, really love that.

I'm not sure if that made any sense at all, but I really admire that in your writing, as well as the way you pull off first-person perspective: I usually avoid first-person POV, but there's just something about your way of writing and letting the character influence your style that makes it feel as though you're actually inside the character's head and seeing things the way they see it.

I don't often review to be honest, but I wanted to this time, because your story is something that I've come back to and checked for updates several times over the years. It's made me laugh like no other, even when I've read it several times before, and that's something of a feat. I want you to know that someone is reading your stories and enjoying them immensely, and still on the edge of her seat for the updates. On the other hand, don't ever feel pressure to update or something of the sort, because real life comes first and you should only write if you find it fun (or you make cash off of it, either way). Which seems a bit odd to put in a review, but with your busy-ness and all. Anyway, I majorly suck at phrasing, but you've got a hardcore fan rooting for you right here no matter what!
3/13/2009 c1 DiddlingFiddles
Waiting for the next one with bated breath. :)

I'm in love with Lucan.
3/13/2009 c1 11Jasmini
aw i cant WAIT for the next chapter! =)
3/13/2009 c1 chameleonduality
Ah! Lucan! *positively bursting with excitement* Can't wait to read more about this!

I actually was led here because I read the last chapter you posted up of Hiring A Hooligan (which, by the way, I am SO glad you've finished - I had pretty much given it up as one of those really good stories that never get finished).

But yes! I'm looking forward to the mischief and mayhem I'm sure will ensue! I'll keep an eye out for it!

^.^ Peace.
3/13/2009 c1 3nonaccount
Love it! More please, pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry on top! Oh, how will they meet? I'm so excited, but I bet you couldn't tell because I am so reserved. :)
3/13/2009 c1 5Crimsonoaks
cute. i will admit to being a bit of a lucan fan so this should be fun. please update soon.
3/13/2009 c1 35destroyed perfection
Bamboo stick? i'm assuming by chap-vitch, they mean a male 'witch'? two references to Cradle of Filth, that's an accomplishment right there. and wow, that Maa really knows how to put a show...although it's pretty uncanny that she could get the full name? hmm...YAY so will Lucan show up soon? like next chapter soon? because I miss him. XD he's awesome. He's like a dream. really. just awesome. Keep on writing!P.S. is Navleen related to Suril somehow? just wondering.
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