Just In
for Love by Stalking

3/14/2009 c2 6Lanie Is
Well, I'm happy with it. :]

I missed the phrase "shaking like a leaf". GOOD ONE! :P
3/14/2009 c1 3the weather forecast
Cute story.

I have one question. When you described the boy who wears the Led Zeppelin t-shirt, does he have strait hair or straight hair? Strait means narrow, so the boy has narrow hair...? I don't know, but great story! Can't wait for the next chapter.
3/14/2009 c1 6Lanie Is
I liked it personally. :D
3/14/2009 c1 18FreekyDisaster18
Ah, Madison is the kind of character that i'd like to kill. I HATE people who talk like that. And it's a great chapter.

Your only mistake was in the authors note where I think you was meant to write no updates until you get at least two reviews. I think that makes you very cute and I love you for it *huggles*

I beg people to review because I think this is going to be a good story

Update soon :)
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