Just In
for Her Name is April

2/11/2010 c2 18Lea Lucarelli
Okay, that was really adorable. And I personally love her sassiness. Keep up the amazing writing, can't wait to read more!
1/28/2010 c1 Lady R
Wow! You updated. I had to go back to the beginning to remind myself what this story was about. lol Anyway, this chapter was good. I hope to read more soon.
7/13/2009 c3 Lea Lucarelli
Aw. I really like this story.

Its very cute.

I hope she tells him, even though she's hurting I think Michael would care about having a daughter. Although he might freak out because she hasn't told him and its been 5 years.

I think April needs to know that she has a daddy somewhere.

And finally, from the title, I think that she does tell him in the end. Why else would she say "Her name is April."

But I am assuming things. :)

Anyway, I loved it!

And if you get a chance, read some of my stories. Please and thank you!
7/13/2009 c1 Lea Lucarelli
I like it so far, but whats her name?

Laura or Gwen? Ashley calls her by both, unless I read it wrong.
4/18/2009 c3 bw695x
Sounds like a good story so far =) keep writing! (i really hope Michael goes back to her..)
3/20/2009 c3 Alenor
huh, well that was interesting...
3/19/2009 c3 Lady R
I'm willing to read, please continue to write.
3/15/2009 c2 Alenor
aw, cute. can't wait for more ~ Alenor

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