Just In
for The Changelings of Syre

3/19/2011 c12 1Charlee Rayne
Does that mean she is too?
3/19/2011 c11 Charlee Rayne
Aw! Reule seems sweeter than the other two... a nice change...
3/19/2011 c10 Charlee Rayne
so good!
3/19/2011 c8 Charlee Rayne
3/19/2011 c7 Charlee Rayne
You go girl!
3/19/2011 c6 Charlee Rayne
That. Is. Horrible! The frigger! How does he expect for her to love him when he TRAPS HER!
2/27/2011 c1 amelia
:( where are you
1/14/2011 c18 7smurf-love
haha this chapter was amazing i feel bad for him bu it is kinda funny he thought she was a boy. anyway i hope you plan on continuing this story because i love it...and i really mean that its very interesting...keep it up
1/1/2011 c18 ane1
Aw a decent story at last! It's very interesting the way you've wrote it. Update :D
12/20/2010 c5 RyomaPaola
12/2/2010 c18 2Krowhop
I know you haven't updated for a very long time...but...please. Please. Update again? I would really really love to find out what happens next..and this horribly long cliff hanger does make you a little evil. It is a good evil..but still evil. Please? Pretty Please? Update? PLEASE?
12/1/2010 c18 amelia
cant wait for this to be off hiatus :(( please pdate even if its like only once every 2months!
9/25/2010 c5 Equestrian Star
wht the heck? the story is already cut off? i dont get this... r u finishing it? where would the next part be? also is the next chapter just a different short story? is it going to be cut off at the end too? i want to read more!
9/2/2010 c10 infinite101
I love your first two stories and can't wait to read the third!

This is a brilliant collection of short stories, after reading 'The Dragon Prince' i wasn't sure how the second story would compare (i wondered how you could top the first one!) i was pleasantly surprised and now eagerly anticipate reading 'The Hunter's Game'
7/23/2010 c18 1DefineVintage
omg the next chapter is gonna be hilarious! I can't wait to read the whole reaction :D
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