Just In
for The Changelings of Syre

3/5/2010 c18 16MadameLeQueen

Everytime i think of Phavian's name, i think of Fabio LOL
3/2/2010 c2 30sophiesix
Nicely written! I'm very intrested in your prince character already, he has interesting views and contradictions, and Miranda is dvlping nicely too.

“new girls in one week, and she was stuck looking after them, which simply translated to cleaning up after them while they flitted about like ninnies.” Lol! Love the flitty ninnies bit especially

“One or two well places pins and she was good” the ‘she was good’ seemed out of kilter with the tone it the rest of the piece?

“She had figured that could make the goddess of love weep with joy” she had a figure?

“Certainly, she can't a maid.” Can’t be a maid?

lol, I love Giselle's promise ;)

heh heh, love the last line too .
2/26/2010 c18 browneyedcolly
Afgh. I hate cliff-hangerss.
2/25/2010 c18 amelia
omg hahahaha i cant wait for the next already (as usual)
2/24/2010 c18 Eccthlacine
Delightful story so far, one of the better ones I've read in quite a while. Your descriptions, though long, are enthralling instead of tedious and every detail seems to matter; I can't skim through your story and that's wonderful :) The ridiculous amount of foreshadowing you have is also wonderful, despite how frustrating it is. It's like the eternal cliffhanger! Agh! Horrible! I would have to say my favorite couple so far is Miranda and Dantes. I cannot wait until all of those hints you've dropped us finally tie together, and where Giselle comes into this. Does Jhizela have anything to do with her, perchance? Love the story so far and cannot wait to read more of your work!
2/23/2010 c18 nagasasu
A very large LOL at Phavian totally running away from Saphiri. I'm sure the rest of the soldiers are just as amused.

"About as creative as he got ... and that terrified him." Which is all the more reason he needs Saphiri. XD

"Why didn't I think of it sooner? Phavian wanted to smile." In this paragraph, I'm not quite sure what realization he's coming to. Before he thought Saphiri was flirting and now he thinks she just wants attention in general?

"The one thing Saphiri had the hardest time with was hiding the inflection from his voice" I'm confused; why would she try to hide his voice from herself?

What a way to end the chapter. XD I'm sure Saphiri's very satisfied with herself. Very happy for this update and looking forward to the next! :)
2/23/2010 c18 6Rosetiger13
OH! Haha, I was laughing during the whole second half of this chapter! Haha, I was so waiting for this to happen! I can't wait for the next chapter :)

Happy Writing

Rosetiger13 xoxo
2/23/2010 c18 9Jennyt82
And she's back with a bang! Well done on another excellent chapter. Update soon...tomorrow is good ;)
2/23/2010 c18 ItalianQT
Ah! No don't stop there! You can't leave me hanging like this! Lol I can't wait to see how he reacts now that he knows lol I thought it was hilarious when phavian told her he was gay. I didn't see that coming lol. Please update soon! Pretty pretty please! :)
2/22/2010 c18 Alice Novak
Hoot! He knows she's a girl! Now things are definitely gonna get hot! lol.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter! Please update! Please! x love you!

sending my blessings! And I hope all goes well at school! Note: school is tiring. :P

2/22/2010 c18 blackrule
lol ohh this will be well worth the wait lol I can imagine pulling a prank like that on someone...it would be brilliant. Most I do though is just try to convince them that they've said something that they havn't hehehehe and what fun that is! A few errors here and there, nothing a quick edit wouldn't fix ;) It was very strange I was just thinking increasingly about this and I logged into my email this morning to find a chapter hehe kinda panicked me at the same time too lol anyway tonight my reviews are most likely going to be very odd...I'm staying up to 2:30am at least lol
2/22/2010 c18 dutchess123
O man this chapter made me giggle soo hard! My friends thought I had gone crazy! It was just so funny when he addmited he was gay, but really wasn't.. I LOVE this part of your story it is different daring new! I mean the whole idea is brillient. I am super excited to read the rest!
2/22/2010 c18 1Vivi-Annie
YOUR BACK! I totally forgive you for being gone for so long because you delivered the chapter I've been waiting for for like EVER! This is great, typos barely slowed me down. So happy! XD
2/22/2010 c18 Mo- The Reviewer
haha xD

Took him long enough!

2/22/2010 c18 Goddess Sati
that's hilarious:) please update ASAP!
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