Just In
for The Changelings of Syre

12/23/2009 c17 blackrule
lol looks like the title is getting more accurate by the chapter
12/22/2009 c17 nagasasu
Squee, new chapter! :D

"At thirty-two" So he's a bit older than her...? Quit hitting my reading kinks! XD

Liked the backstory with Sir Etris. Lol.

"Could Saphiri really be that careless?" Oh, didn't think of that. It seems she's playing with him then, like a cat! (bricked for the pun)

"The lad must bathe in roses—" LMAO is that her plan? To be super feminine and mess with his perception of her? XD

"What? “What?”" I like those repetitions.

In a bit of a tangent, shouldn't it be Saphiri's sex be apparent when she turns into a tiger? Not that I know much about tiger anatomy though, haha, or it could be that she's only transformed during battle and there are more important things to notice then.

"Saphiri paused for a moment before continuing to wrap the red ribbon around his sleeves and over his neck." It's her own sleeves right? When I first read it, I thought it was referring to Phavian in the bath.

LMAO, go Saphiri! So nice to see a girl taking control of a situation (the bath) like that.

Oh, interesting info revealed with Vasya. I'm curious as to the full backstory around Saphiri now, since it seems she isn't the poor orphaned girl from up north. Oh, hey, this seems to be a reference to the next story coming after this one! Wonder who Vasya is working for, too. Probably somebody evil; maybe what's-her-name from The Dragon Prince?

Awesome chapter, and looking forward to more!
12/22/2009 c17 Alice Novak
Thanks for updating!

This chapter sure is amazing! I'm looking forward to the next!

Oh! Oh! and um. I'm cheering you on for TDP!

and... Merry X'mas!

Delineations . Alyona
12/22/2009 c17 cytl101
how many parts is this going to have?

great job :)
12/22/2009 c17 1violet-eyez
lol funny can't wait for the next chapter
12/22/2009 c17 pinkeclipse
thank you so much for the update!
12/22/2009 c17 2Dark-Passion67
Yay! You Updated:)

Congrats On Passing All Your Classes!

I Wonder How Colonel Phavian Will React When Saphiri Makes Her Move.

Since She Already Succeeded In Arousing Him..lol

Thanks For The Update Before Christmas:)

I Hopew Your Christmas Is Lovely!
12/22/2009 c17 Qatariyah
yes, you are right it is an exciting chapter!

Is the bard from the same species as Vanya & Saphiri?

Could you possibly post 2 chapters before the new year?
12/20/2009 c9 10Sabreal

interesting to say the least ;)
12/18/2009 c7 HeARmeRaWR
OK love the stories! The Dragon Prince is my favorite so far! =] I love Miranda and Dantes.

So please update soon!
12/2/2009 c16 Mo- The Reviewer

This is going to be a FANTASTIC mini-story! I can already see it!

11/29/2009 c16 1Vivi-Annie
Ok, so when I read the summary to The Colonel's Battle I totally thought you were going in a different direction. Then I read the first chapter and I was like HOLY CRAP! This story is going to be amazing. I applaud you really, your previous stories are good, and I can't wait for you to put up a new chapter.
11/28/2009 c16 dutchess123
Man, I love these stories. Altough i'll admit I thought you were heading off into another dirrection when the f-sgt was checkin out one of his men... well I probably would have read the story anyways lol.
11/25/2009 c16 16Broken Cascade
I exist! That's what the men in white coats tell me anyway, even though I keep disappearing. But more importantly, you exist, which leads me to my review. I can't think of too much to say about this part yet, but it promises be very interesting. It will definitely be different than the other parts, in a good way. The whole foundation of the relationship is turned around. Both the Colonel and Saphiri seem like fun characters and I can't wait to see more of them. Keep writing!
11/24/2009 c16 Anon Amous
And I though I would be old and gray the next time you wrote a chapter. I am so happy you have an update on this series. It feels like I have been waiting forever. I have to say, that the other stories were great but this one looks to be very entertaining
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