Just In
for Being Asian

9/18/2013 c1 Quirky
You plagerized a phrase from "Prom and Prejudice"
8/19/2011 c1 19RiBow
Awww, that's so cute! =P I love Asians (since I am one... Hehehe) and I love the nerdy type guys, I think they're adorable! I can't believe this was your first attempt at humor, you did amazingly. =D
1/30/2011 c1 WishBlade
Seriously, first attempt at humor! I thought this was insanely hilarious, so SUCCESS! Super adorable one-shot =]
1/17/2010 c1 24Mad for Figs
I liked this a lot because it reminds me a LOT of something that happened to me in high school as well. I'm actually 100% Taiwanese, so it's pretty much obvious I'm Asian. This guy comes up to me.

"Are you hispanic?"

"um, no sorry. I'm Asian."

"you can't be Asian. You look Spanish."

"My parents are Taiwanese..."

"Really? Are you sure?"

Anyway, so I really liked this :] Yeah, it went a little fast, but I supposed it's because of the time lapse. But if you had explained the time lapse a little bit, or given a bit of transition between the scenes, it would've flowed a lot better :)

Keep it up!

5/24/2009 c1 9Lily Llynn
It's quite funny but a little on the random/spastic side (meaning, it jumps around a lot). I wouldn't have minded you fleshing this out, though Isabella and Lawrence are quite cute in the short term. I'm very glad xoxluurve added to our c2. (:
5/15/2009 c1 19toffeecakesxox

i love how they skip prom together. :P

very cute!

5/15/2009 c1 letitshine
it was s.h.i.t
5/14/2009 c1 x3life
aw this i so cute! =)
5/12/2009 c1 49Pinkamoo
Aw. Man. Cute AND funny. To look snazzy. Imma steal that. Imma annoy all of my friends with that. Just you see.

Love your characters, so witty and fun. Sarcasm is my favourite form of humour ;)
5/3/2009 c1 7Liya Smith
the beginning was a little confusing, but i totally understood it after i read it. wow, lawrence and isabella sounded like a very cute couple. i thought this was adorable, though i thought it could have been fluffier at the end. ;) but nonetheless, i liked it. good job with the humor!

krabby patties.
4/10/2009 c1 61neverendingdogs
that was good :)
3/25/2009 c1 Yellow.Jellow
Very cute!
3/16/2009 c1 CookiesnHersheys
Wow... I totally loved it! Keep publishing more! :)

Can't wait to read the next one! x3
3/16/2009 c1 18Jade Q. Dean
It's cute, albeit a bit short ^^
3/16/2009 c1 5paraNormal
it was cute but the lapse of time sort of ruined it...
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