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for More Than Anyone

10/3/2012 c1 Quisinart
Wow great start to the story. Lonely day for her birthday but I love the mood you've set up, the pretty boy with blue eyes. Cant wait to keep reading!
9/30/2012 c19 spk3333
Update! Please!
9/15/2012 c19 3no-ones-puppet
Okay, so I just finished what you have written do far, and it's wonderful! I'm hoping that you'll finish it entirely... Cause while the last chapter you posted didn't seem to end on a cliff hanger, it wasn't a very satisfying end to the story if it was that! Lol. I was sorry to hear about the plagarism that had happened to your story though through your a/n and I hope that hasn't happened again since then. I also hope it didn't discourage you too much from continuing your writing. I've known several people on here who have had that happen to them, and for them they see it as a violation... Their writing is a part of them, and for someone to steal it and claim it as theirs... I'm sure it hurt a lot more than people assume. Anyways! I'll be on the look out for this and hope to see it complete! It's too cute not to finish in my opinion! Lol. Good luck on any of your future writings as well!
9/8/2012 c19 almostlover-hopelessdream
I loooove it
9/4/2012 c19 heal me forever
oh.. dis is damn damn incredible...man dis is too different..dan anything i have read on FP ever ...! its usaually d 16 ya 18 year teenage love stry...wid ntg much wid feelings...but dis stry had caught me off guard...pure LOVE ..i can see it 333 hope u cont it soon..nd give it an perefct end..

dis stry is one for which..i am sure dat i will cum back nd read it hell lot no of times 33333

ben nd liv forever 3 ha!
plz update soon ..cant wait

mY FAV LINE: she was his. Fuck Toby. Fuck everyone. Olivia Grange was his.
8/29/2012 c19 MissIndependant
I read this story way back then, and it is one of my absolute favorites. I just recently decided to read it once again for the gazillionth time only to discover that you have updated. I really hope that you do update soon because you are a truly amazing writer & I just can't get enough of your incredible stories.
P.S I secretly curse all those who plagirized & made you take down most of your work.
8/28/2012 c19 Sin-and-Smokin
You can't do this to us! You have to update...
Please, please, pretty please with a cherry ontop
8/27/2012 c19 Jodes101
I have just discovered your stories and have been reading non stop. I would love an update on this story and I will be sure to read all of your new stuff and review each chapter.
8/25/2012 c11 1yearslater
I breathlessly love this story. The chemistry between and Ben and Olivia leaps off the page. Patiently waiting for the update. :)
8/18/2012 c19 erin
I read this story a long time ago and I just happened to come across it again. I really like the changes you've made. In my opinion it makes the characters deeper. And I just love the chemistry between Ben and Olivia. Great job!
8/16/2012 c19 bego.oh
LOVE LOVE LOVE this story, you are an amazing writer, hope you finish it! cheers
8/16/2012 c19 imaginationangel
I have to tell you that I absolutely love this story. Its simply amazing. You write very well! Also, I have to say: as much as I love Ben/Olivia, I have to say that I love Harry/Anne more. I don't know, there's something about them that amazes me and I. Just love them. So, I'm looking forward for some/a lot of Harry/Anne scenes! And great job in this story! Update ASAP
8/8/2012 c19 abbyQ23
this is such an amazing story!
please update soon!
8/8/2012 c19 1FiggThe3rd
This is such a good story! :)
I read Violet and Jamie's story and it's strange cause now I know more about Toby and Harry and that, I see them differently :S I really want to keep on reading!
Oh please write and update soon!
8/7/2012 c1 FiggThe3rd
OhmyGod! I loved this story! :D Starting Ben and Olivia's now and can't wait to read it! :)
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