Just In
for The Search For My Kiss

5/28/2009 c14 Night Innocence
Haha, by now, I'm pretty sure that the Zorro is Ryan. :)

Great writing and great plot! (Yes, I know, fragment)

Your characters are great and well developed and I hope you keep writing!

Aww what a sad story about her parents and brother, hope Katie doesn't get crippled.
5/28/2009 c14 13Ruby Kart
Wow, I can see why this was such a tough chapter to write. But you definitely did it very well. You describe it in a way which we can visualize without being overly gorry about it. Also, you make it so easy to feel her pain, it's incredible.

I can understand why Ryan was the way he was now. Very good chapter. It proves your maturity as a writer if you can do the crazy and happy while also doing the sad and depressing.

Martin, dude that guy sounds so adorable. To bad he wasn't her Zorro. He sounds like a good guy.
5/28/2009 c14 sally n
oh wow i feel so bad for katie. but im so happy with the way you did the chapter. i loved it. try not to take to long.
5/28/2009 c14 35SeaJade Song
awsome love it
5/27/2009 c14 CrazyInAGoodWay
omg i love it it made me cry :'( post more soon like super soon as in NOW (plz?)
5/27/2009 c14 CrazyFrenzylaughing
Man! that sad i want to cry! but we know. It him he played with lance it him.
5/26/2009 c13 19Hydie
Love it. She needs to hurry up and accidentally kiss Ryan so she can find her Zorro... :P
5/25/2009 c13 CrazyInAGoodWay
ahahhahahah omg i was like yes hes so gunna harrass him omg AMAZING CHAPTER I WANT MORE! plz? u no u want to?
5/25/2009 c13 1If only we all knew
yay! i cant wait to find out what happens next. :) and another job done well.
5/24/2009 c13 13Ruby Kart
Damien seems like a nice guy! I just wish he wasn't gay, urg!

I look forward to the next chapter. I really want to find out what happened to Katie and Ryan and Kyle (I think that was his name right?).

I love the part when they fall down the stairs. lol. She's so accident prone, but she's still in one piece. Ah, the pros of fiction :)
5/24/2009 c12 Ruby Kart
You think this wasn't your best chapter, but it's a very good one.

Not everything can be happy in a story, and you depict that well. In my opninion, Jacko took the news very well. Yes, he ran away, but he was shocked. At least he's going to be completely supportive, and you manage to capture all of that, making him a realistic character in a real life situation.


I still like it. And Ryan, dude, the kid gets hotter every chappy :P
5/24/2009 c12 1If only we all knew
omg! i love this story. cant wait for the upcoming chapters :)
5/24/2009 c12 ishani acuinatum.ashley
cool...i loved it...do update it soon
5/23/2009 c12 Dreams of death by Chocolat
Hiya, so love the story. Your characters are hilarious. If you're still looking for a beta, you can contact me. I'd also like to say that I think Zorro is Ryan. Don't know why... Just do. Any way I look foreward to reading more of this story.

5/23/2009 c12 CrazyInAGoodWay
I LOVE IT! and i am SO happy that you are back and rolling out some new chapters! post more!
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