Just In
for The Search For My Kiss

4/28/2009 c6 47oNjA
Aw...she got kissed! Yep it was totally Ryan who did it...they are just too perfect for one another! That was hilarious that she gave him a wedgie just to get the last piece of pie...I was rolling on the floor after that one! This chapter was just great!

I'd love to see this group go mudding...it's something I do with my brother and our friends all the time during summer. You have to wait until it's rained pretty good for a couple of days so the entire backyard is nothing but a mud puddle. Then we just run out in whatever clothes we're wearing and mud wrestle...it's so much fun! We also have contests to see who can get the most frogs as they're being thrown around by everyone else...so priceless! There's nothing better than acting stupid and beating the crap out of your friends!

Great chapter! I can't wait to read more!

4/28/2009 c6 CrazyFrenzylaughing
Please tell me that the kiss was from Ryan they are such a cute couple.

Faithful reader

4/26/2009 c1 44zeck-zeecola8
I like your story, I am a bit confused about it. But I will read on. Plus, prologues are a bit of a confusing part of a book to me, so here I go to read more. But for the most of it, good start.
4/26/2009 c5 3Till Tonight Do Us Part
i just have to say that was funny thank you for the laugh but really who is Kyle
4/25/2009 c5 47oNjA
I'm glad I amuse you, it's the least I can do after you make me laugh hysterically! Great chapter! Kat and the gang are hilarious, they would so be the type of people I probably would have hung with in school...wait I think I still would! :D It's all in the name of fun, though they should seriously play more pranks. Like my final year in high school we decided to prank a teacher, who was totally awesome! Anywho, we blew up thousands of balloons and put them everywhere in his classroom. Some were heliumed but most weren't. Some were also filled with flour and water, anything you could get into those latex buggers. Well let's just say his class was banging! So funny! Anyways...great chapter and I can't wait to read more!

4/25/2009 c2 WritingWithChocolate
hmm...im a bit confused...who's the person on her bed?
4/21/2009 c4 12Miss Mysteries

Great story so far. It;s very interesting. Hope you update soon.
4/21/2009 c4 47oNjA
This was fantastical, so exponentially awesome! Death by spork had me rolling, although I prefer spooning someone to death, so much more inhuman and cruel...anywho, can't wait to read more, this is just so hilarous!

4/21/2009 c3 theskywalkeris
I love that you always sorta have a cliffie at the end.
4/13/2009 c1 JordanAnderson
I'm likin the prolouge!

and im kinda curious to see who this Alec guy is... :).
4/9/2009 c2 disappearing in the shadow
gah! who was the mystery man at the end

was it that best friend that she can't really call best friend?

or was it someone else? gah!

was the guy who told her to move her bony little ass Fi's brother? most likely



oh god i sound mental hehehehehehehehe :]

4/9/2009 c2 7oNjA
Hm...who the heck is the guy in her bed? This sounds like such an interesting story! I can't wait to read more.


P.S. if you want someone to fix your mistakes before you post a chapter, or fix previous chapters, then find a beta... bad spelling and grammer can ALWAYS be fixed by someone else! :D
4/6/2009 c1 fuwafuwafuwari
Sounds intriguing~ Can't wait to read more. :)
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