Just In
for The Search For My Kiss

6/7/2009 c23 6Kit Yami
GASP! SEQUAL! Hurray now I don't have to cry. Wait I'm crying anyways.. oh well on to the sequal... when it comes out.
6/7/2009 c23 Summer Shadow
YEAH! A SEQUAL! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! :D hahaa. You updated early! Happy ending! :D
6/7/2009 c23 47oNjA
No! It's over...I'm totally lost now! Now that I mention it I'm excited because I was the first on the list of reviewers! Yay! That must mean you like me or something...okay stretching that way too far! :D

This was great...although I remember when I graduated last year (dang it's already been a year since I graduated! Shocker!) Well my brother also graduated and was walking in front of me to get his diploma, well before we went up there he told me to trip him because our principal was adamant that anyone who tripped would be seriously reprimanded. Yeah, that didn't happen because as he was about to take the stage I asked him if he still wanted me to trip him but he shook his head no, honestly I thought he was going to throw up on or asisstant principal because he was literally green. Yeah totally sucked that he chickened out! After his stoic pose across stage I went skipping and laughing...I think everyone thought I was insane, although I won't argue that I'm not... weirdest day of my life...

Anywho you're probably sick of hearing about events in my life by now...I know like every review I give you has some sort of story in it...

This was an absolutely wonderful story and I've totally recommended it to a ton of people. I would LOVE to see this as an actual book published so everyone in the world can read it...I'll keep praying that it does go that far.

I'm totally friggin excited you decided on a sequel...Can't wait to read it! I bet it's going to be just as wonderful as this one was...If you ever need any ideas about the crazy antics of the posse than you can always pm me! I don't want to sound cheesy or weird here, but if you need anything I'll be here waiting excitedly in the wings! I can say I've trully fallen in love with your story and believe that it really is better than most of the published books I've read (and believe me when I say that I've read a friggin LOT of books...) Until next time with much anticipation

6/7/2009 c23 13Ruby Kart
That was great! Sweet, Simple, relateable, lovable, and the sequal - that sounds good. Can't wait to read that one.

Your so welcome for all of the reviews, I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Thankyou for your reviewing mine. I can't write as fast as you can, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed this.

I'm sure once it's beta-ed (that's a new word here on FP - b/c I said it was lol) it will make a great story. Seriously, I would still buy it and come to your book signing.

Congrats on a great finish!

~ Ruby Kart ^.^
6/7/2009 c23 lit black hole
Surprisingly that left me satisfied without being cheesy :DD
6/7/2009 c22 ishaniacuinatum.ashley
hey, it was wonderful...but yeh, u kinda screwd up the ending...but still guess what?...i LOVED it...good work n do do do do DO write a sequel.


6/7/2009 c22 Ruby Kart
I like this. The ending is really sweet, and the explaining through it all makes sense. You must have had this planned out for a while.

Ryan and Katie, it's about time! Seriously, I was about to get all character like and go in that pretty little story of yours and force those two together. I love how you make them so stupid. It creates and extremely cute story.

Thankyou for the awesome read. I'm officially hooked on teen-romance novels.

And a big Cookie for you (but please, no kisses) lol
6/7/2009 c22 47oNjA
Hmm...I don't know about this chapter...I though Katie would have given more of a fight, I mean she's entirely independent but she just seemed to let Ryan have her...it almost felt like she was pushed into the situation and didn't choose it...Okay now I'm just rambling...

It was good though. I was cracking up at the romance movie... I never understood why people cry at those things, they are totally cheesy and unrealistic...

You totally have to do a sequel! These characters are just too good to let lie...

Love it! So sad that only the epilogue is left...TEAR!

6/7/2009 c22 6EmmaWoodhouse88
I hope you do a sequal! I really liked this story.
6/7/2009 c22 Summer Shadow
LOVE YOUR STORY! My friend lot me about in and now I read all of it in one day! Really tired now since its 6:00am and I havent slept at al! But it was so worth it! There's only one chapter left though? ... aw :( PLEASE MAKE A SEQUEL! :D I love Ryan! Heehee! And of course AL the other chracters! AMAZING STORY!
6/7/2009 c22 yen
i seriously love this story. =) great job! :)
6/6/2009 c22 jaci rae
completely cool long chapter! its almost over... boo hoo
6/6/2009 c22 6Kit Yami
Can I have a cookie? Your name is really making me want a cookie. You spelled subject, sunject. It made me laugh, hard. Thank goodness there was no cliffiness. You know cliffiness kills. I was watching .hack/roots. I perfer sign over roots though. Let's see more anime to watch, Loveless, Nabari no Ou, Kuroshitsuji, DNAngel, X 19. And now I don't feel like continuing my list. It's a long list. Though I will say this THE EVIL FLUFFY KRAD WHO IS A HOMICIDAL MANIAC DOES NOT WANT THE STORY TO END! Kit says as soon as the epiloge comes up she will cry in a corner, undeer her bed. I don't want the story to end.

~Kit Yami who has an issue with the end of a story
6/6/2009 c22 WritingWithChocolate
OMG! IT WAS RYAN! HA! I KNEW IT! WOT! *SQUEAL* I had shivers running up my spine throughout this chapter. This was probably one of my most FAVORITE CHAPTERS IN THE ENTIRE STORY! And hun...you BETTER be thinking of a sequel...maybe when they all go to college? And aw...Damien and Liam MUST END UP TOGETHER! *sigh* now I want an idiot like Ryan...*pout* GREAT STORY! *HUGGLES*
6/6/2009 c22 4Priscilla Shay
aww don't worry or stress! I LOVE IT

she finally found the kiss :)

Cassie...needs to get run over or something lol..

*sigh* I know this chapter was about them and getting everyone back together and everything..but I think my favorite part was Aunty Becky :)

One more chapter...is it the final? will there be an epilogue or is the final chapter sort of like the epi? or..no? o.O

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