Just In
for Inspiration's a Bitch

4/22/2011 c1 Taylor Grace
So very true! :)
4/22/2011 c1 10LyricsArePoetry
haha, that was brilliant! The last line made me laugh! Brilliant, and so very true!
11/8/2009 c1 2PinkBunny16
Haha! That sure is a positive way of looking at things! Loved this!
10/9/2009 c1 4XxNoImaginationxX
Haha, I likes this :D

I think that shall be my new excuse for not writing now, "No! The inspiration will kill me!"

Nice short piece. I love that it can be so simple, yet entertaining =)
10/2/2009 c1 9Narq
lol! I agree fullheartedly!
7/28/2009 c1 7Duckies
Haha, awesome - that last bit made me laugh really hard, because it's just so true! xD

I've had a few *omg i need a pen or a laptop, or hell, some dirt and a stick!* moments in my time...

Love the conversational format - the dialogue sounds pretty realistic, so well done on that. I liked the nonchalent kind of answers at first too, they made the last segment stand out all the more.

Perfect grammar; brilliant work :)
4/16/2009 c1 13VelvetyCheerio
Oh Dolly. XD

What a nice little piece, maybe inspiration will come to me if I wait...maybe I'll be reminiscing about this writers block when it does. XD

This was humorous and true, so, so true. Good job.

4/8/2009 c1 18Shenhua Phantom
Haha... Wow. I love how he describes inspiration. It's incredibly true. I could picture myself doing all of the things he described. And why is it that there is never a pen beside you when inspiration hits? Your story made me laugh. :D

~Shenhua Phantom
4/8/2009 c1 14M.J. Roy
So true! This was very cute, it made me smile. Well done.

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