Just In
for Blue Moon

8/21/2014 c16 hitokori midnight
Please update again soon !
8/11/2014 c15 hitokori midnight
Please update again soon !
6/25/2014 c15 ThatOneDudeThatsWeird
It was an ok chapter. At least there was finally an update.
6/3/2014 c14 ThatOneDudeThatsWeird
Keep writing your doing a good job. Cant wait for next update.
5/22/2014 c13 ThatOneDudeThatsWeird
I was thinking make jeff an omega leaving his family and everything because she gets with Keith. Like a family bring a pack and the dad being the alpha jeff gets hurt slowly becomes detached then becomes an omega later finding and making his own pack where he is the alpha. And this big thing of amy trying to find him.
7/3/2012 c11 6Carmel March
This is SOOO GOOD! Please update soon - I need to know what happens!
5/30/2012 c10 Carmel March
Lovely chapter, can't wait for more!
5/28/2012 c10 1Charmedxx
Omg that totally stoked me o_o I've been reading your story for a while and I'm a poohead for not reviewing before xD your story is amazing! And interesting I hope Amy somehow figure things out with Jeff and Keith
5/24/2012 c9 6Carmel March
I'm glad you're back! Great chapter...I was so happy to see you updated :)
7/21/2010 c8 1erin254
it's getting pretty interesting i can't wait to see what happens
7/21/2010 c8 9Mysterious MD
Interesting story, it's good. This last chapter was kind of sad, but Keith did bring up a good point I thought. I only noticed a few spelling errors ("your" instead of "you're"), but nothing too big. Keep up the good work, I look forward to the next chapter.
2/20/2010 c6 smurf-love
i really like this story ill be looking for the next chapters to come
9/12/2009 c6 6Disneyjunkie13
7/1/2009 c2 Wendy Thompson135th
In the very ugly chapter one, I say that BOLD and UNDERLINED text is hard to read. The stupid censoring program replaced ha rd on with **.
7/1/2009 c1 Wendy Thompson135th
Please, if you want people to read your stories, do not publish in bold and underline. It's hard on the reader. Italics do not help.
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