Just In
for Teeth

3/5/2014 c1 Guest
wowowowowo this was fantastic. i stayed up way way way late to read this. it is currently 2:07am. mazing job and beautiful imagery
9/13/2013 c1 12UniverseAnxiety
I've been reading your stories for a while now, and I absolutely love all of them. This is my favorite one. It's a shame you don't post anymore.
6/27/2012 c1 WeDieAlone
I can't even find the words to describe this...it's just amazing in my opinion. So well written, entrancing even. I really loved this.
4/9/2011 c1 Joyce C. Kali
Dang you're seriously good.
9/1/2010 c1 7Wednesday's Cannibal
You are a very Lovecraftian writer. If you don't know, that might be the highest compliment that I have ever given a writer on this, or any other site.
9/4/2009 c1 2Splendour of the Machine
o.O Wow...this is good stuff. Me likes. And gory :3
7/27/2009 c1 6Rekabeck
I thought this was a wonderful story; it also contains my new favourite quote;

"Time seemed to stutter as she fell to her knees and was swallowed up by nature’s abortion."

You truly are a wordsmith my good sir. Kudos for the amazing story. :)
7/26/2009 c1 Brenda Agaro
Well written. I love the style and pacing. Awesome imagery.

I seriously can't describe anymore how amazing this piece is.
7/12/2009 c1 Loki the Jackal
To be honest I really can't find any proper words to describe how... beautiful I found this.

The exquisite detail, the setting and the atmosphere in this is executed well.
7/11/2009 c1 6WishesofImmortality
Dark, disturbing, and very well written. You're writing style is very poetic - something that contrasts quite nicely with your subjects. Well done.
7/4/2009 c1 im.a.werewolf.rawr
Wow. You have some serious skills. What I've read by you so far, I can't even begin to comprehend. It scares me and that's wonderful.
7/3/2009 c1 2I Am The Masquerade
Dark and beautiful with a nice touch of lyrical writing.
4/13/2009 c1 1ZacIntosh
Very good story are we going to see more of this one?
4/13/2009 c1 24TheJacklyn
Great! I loved the imagery. So very poetic too. This is defenitly going on my favorites list.

4/11/2009 c1 23witheredxwaste
Mister Moore, the way you write, it is simply crazy how vividly I can see it. Reading your work is like a hit of LSD in an R rated wonderland of sorts.

Whomever thought that a story has to make sense to be great is a liar.



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