Just In
for Beautiful Disaster

4/12/2009 c1 PrematureLlama
This is really good so far! The characters, plot, and such is great! I can't wait for the next chapter! :D :D

4/12/2009 c1 1Jeni D
Interesting... very interesting. So, technically, it's you who is in love Johnny Depp. I like it already. Johnny is amusing, and poor Izzy. Stinkin' boyfriends.


4/12/2009 c1 QuickSilverSand
funny so far... i like johnny...

hm...i think i know what happens next...zach was cheating on our heroine wasn't he? i love drama...

btw, i love Izzy...she is so funny, worrying about her cellulite...
4/11/2009 c1 MarloCarlo10
AH SHit I knew Zach wouldn't be alone! !

Next chapter is going to be HILARIOUS! I am so excited!
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