Just In
for Learning the ABCs of High School Love

7/31/2009 c4 3Im Just Mlssundaztood
He finds her cat.

funny how when you start to like a guy you seem to run into him more often when it's probably you just really noticing for the first time and over analyizing it.

But he likes her too. You can tell. From the flash of dissipointment when she said the pick-up line was a dare/bet.


I have said a pickup line on a dare to a guy at school. We didn't end up dating but we ended up being great friends cause instead of flirting with him outragesly, I acted differently

That was my line.

Da**, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged.


But he's talking to her more. That's good.

Can't wait to see what happens next.

-Im Just Mlssundaztood
7/17/2009 c4 8AmethystEyes0
NCIS and CSI are only the same if you're dyslexic. And if you don't get the reference, you don't watch as much NCIS as I do! :)

I love your story! Update soon!
7/14/2009 c4 MarloCarlo10
Lol good chap!

I really like the letters of the alphabet for this story =)

I have no problem with cliche =) Its usually the best stories!
7/14/2009 c4 7wabam
I like this story. But the chapters are so short! Please make them longer!
7/14/2009 c4 3allahakbar
I think your story is so cute.

I love Mr. Gibbey, just cause I'm a smidge odd like that and like cranky old people.

Anyways, it's great, really cute.

I love the old lady in the store too, now that I think a bit.

"You want me to sock you?"

That line definitely made my day.


Keep writing, I've subscribed.
7/5/2009 c3 5Kat The Great
well i'm excited about this next chapter you better get on it. lol

peace love happiness
5/21/2009 c3 Shiokaze
Haha, that was cute. Can't wait to read the rest. :)
5/2/2009 c3 7Liya Smith
aw. that was soo adorable. i'm seriously falling for this story. i mean, usually i like the 4,0 reviewed, unique stories, but this is fantastic! it's short but sweet. ;) i love it. you're a brilliant author, by the way. definitely kept me intrigued. i'll be waiting for another update. :)

5/2/2009 c2 Liya Smith
i'm just going to review every chapter. because i know author's get absolutely giddy when they see a person reviewed each and every chapter instead of once at the end. im really starting to enjoy will. i don't like el though, simply because best friends really aren't my thing. people have to be quirky for me to like them. ;)

anyway, nice job! more more more. you deserve a lot more reviews, by the way.

5/2/2009 c1 Liya Smith
hi. im really starting to enjoy your stuff! i'm just going to favorite you as an author instead of favoriting all your stories. that's way too hectic. by the way, i love this idea. it's creative!

krabby patties.
4/19/2009 c3 3Im Just Mlssundaztood
I really like what you've got so far. Love the cheesy pick up line. I like how easy and fun this relationship is starting out as.

I can't wait til the update.

4/16/2009 c2 2Goldenstars

this is amusing as all hell

more please !
4/14/2009 c1 5Kat The Great
lol. Will fucking rocks my socks. I can't wait to read more about him.

peace love happiness
4/14/2009 c1 3The Biggest Bugger

I liked it, but a little more detail(s) would make it much better.

No spelling errors that I could see (which is a nice change) and the idea is interesting as well as the summary.

The ending was brilliant and I hope you update soon.

~ R E V E R E N C E ~
4/14/2009 c1 8offhandmusings

It's funny :D

try to be more descriptive. The moments seem too rushed ^_^


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