Just In
for Brighter Than Anyone

7/7/2011 c24 15Ice Bubble
7/7/2011 c23 Ice Bubble
Oh, gosh.
7/7/2011 c22 Ice Bubble
*gasp* Could it be possible that Vanessa and Patrick are in cahoots? - rhetorical question
7/7/2011 c21 Ice Bubble
How come this chapter is called 'Bad Habits'?
7/7/2011 c20 Ice Bubble
Nice choice Marissa.

LFF, you never cease to amuse me.
7/7/2011 c19 Ice Bubble
Is Christian really that dense?
7/7/2011 c18 Ice Bubble
7/7/2011 c17 Ice Bubble
It's just the beginning? But it's all the way into chapter 16. JK
7/6/2011 c14 Ice Bubble
'Andie's lips sought out Christian's neck, and he muffled a groan, clearly not expecting Andie to talk about something like this.'

This just made me burst into a fit of giggles... like Anna Lee! ...again
7/6/2011 c13 Ice Bubble
*big humongous sigh*
7/6/2011 c12 Ice Bubble
7/6/2011 c11 Ice Bubble
I love how as soon as the papparazzi finds out about Christian's supposed cheating, they immediately check on Andie. She's so loved.

So Christian's going to have to choose between love and power. Interesting...
7/6/2011 c9 Ice Bubble
Now I feel sorry for the flowers.
7/6/2011 c8 Ice Bubble
I love ice cream! My favourite flavour is Cookies 'n Cream. Yum.
7/6/2011 c6 Ice Bubble
*sigh* Evil. And. Wicked. -.-
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