Just In
for Brighter Than Anyone

7/6/2011 c5 15Ice Bubble
I want to see someone nearly choke on their wine because someone else said that. Priceless.
7/6/2011 c3 Ice Bubble
Oh, where, oh where, have my little [non] innocents gone?
6/16/2011 c43 3StaNdUPtomE
Fantastic stories if you write a sequel I'll be waiting
6/5/2011 c43 konichiwa2u

"Brighter That Anyone" is finished!

Wonderfully fantastic!

It's 5:39 AM in the morning and I'm sleepy and tired but reading this is totally worth my entire time and I'm so happy!

This story will forever be embedded into my memory!
1/19/2011 c43 LittleFeathers
I don't know how i missed this sequel! I remember lovong the first one and I got super excited when I found this. I love your writing so much. I'm a huge fan of everything you write!
11/21/2010 c43 storiesfan
hey, I really love your stories !

But as i see that this story is a sequel, i'm looking for "Saving Smiles" but can't find it on this site. Is it on another site ?

(sorry for my English, it's not my mother tongue)
10/8/2010 c1 cosmopolitan
i adore rereading your stories, what stunning work!

question, though: what happened to saving smiles?
5/28/2010 c43 animegirl214
! aw! Thanks so much for this wonderful cute story! :D :D :D

I just couldn't stop reading it after the first chapter! Thanks so much again and I hope you keep writing such beautiful and wonderful stories such as this one! ;D
5/14/2010 c14 Porn Starr
As I read "Everything's just perfect" I was thinking in my head, 'Ha ha bitch...'...
5/14/2010 c9 Porn Starr
After I read the flower part about him not sending them, I just think it's either that Patrick (the guy who kidnapped her right/ex-boyfriend), her mother, or maybe that Schmee guy.
5/14/2010 c6 Porn Starr
Knew it. The bitch is a man stealer. D:
5/14/2010 c5 Porn Starr
That Vanessa is a total man stealer.
5/14/2010 c4 Porn Starr
Damn, they must have sex like jack rabbits. They're sex addicts, seriously.
5/14/2010 c2 Porn Starr
Marissa or Miranda in the line "Once the waitress had left, ..." ?
4/18/2010 c43 3whysgirlfriend
soo good
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