Just In
for The Pull of Destiny

4/19/2021 c37 heal me forever
I find it distasteful that CiCi and Luke dated for like 4months and he wrote a letter asking to marry her for the Time capsule, but breaks up with her because he couldn’t do ‘long distance’. Then he gets into a relationship right after with Seiko (hmm weren’t you ready marry CiCi?!) but decides after 3-4years that he shouldn’t ‘lead her on’ (say what!) when it was time to open the capsule. Fickle much?! Now suddenly CiCi is his ‘Soulmate’. STUPID!
I loved every chapter leading to this, but now I’m thinking why did I waste my time reading this. Urgh! So DISAPPOINTED!
10/15/2020 c38 desireosiobe
Wonderful story..
5/4/2019 c38 Guest
Well this story was just fucking perfect.
2/10/2019 c7 11Kapiru Kat DeiDei
So very glad that I found out this story is available here again! I love this story, and sadly I hadn't gotten until the end the first time i read it, before it got published. Couldn't remember when that was, but it's surely when I was still in highschool. Really wanted to just buy it, but couldn't then. So I thought, "okay, maybe it's not meant to be (to finish reading it, at the time)." and college happened, got busy and I forgot about it for a while (a few years actually, lol :( ).. I checked out my old fictionpress account yesterday, scrolling down favorite stories (this one is obviously in it) and found out that The Pull of Destiny had 38 chapters and remembered that's not how it was last time I checked because I remember last time it was, like, only preview? or all chapters were removed even? Couldn't remember, and when I checked it out, I was sooo glad that it's available online on fictionpress, again! Wow! Now I'm definitely gonna finish it. :)

Wow, this is such a long review. Anw, have a good day.
5/11/2018 c38 Guest
This was an absolutely amazing story. Sure there were cliches but the way you structured your story made them go smoothly with your story and make it even more interesting, entertaining and definitely BRILLIANT! Thank you for sharing it with us :)
1/31/2018 c38 dv36muskan
This was such a wonderful read.. 'wonderful' being an understatement! I loved the story and enjoyed it through and through.
Thank you for the beautiful read :)
12/3/2017 c38 Guest
Loved this! So well written, and such great character development. Really wonderful story! I love that even though it was cliche, you didn't embrace some of the more frustrating cliches (miscommunication causing irreparable damage, or making Luke a jerk for longer than he needs to be, or him actually breaking up with her to "protect" her (THANK YOU for not doing that haha). Really a beautiful story! Sappy in all the best ways!
10/16/2017 c38 KarasunoFan
6/30/2017 c38 K
I'm glad I stumbled on your page again :)! The first story I read by you was about Kay-bear and Tyler! I love this story as much as I loved that one :D!
I hope yoube
6/21/2017 c38 Guest
Wow..What a ride. This is just my type of story. With every page you were thinking on par with me. I love love love the story, so much i called in sick just so i could gind out whats next.
I will be looking out for more of your books. Job well done. Thank you.
6/19/2017 c13 Guest
Keep up the good forward to more.
6/19/2017 c12 Guest
Very good...cant wait for more
6/19/2017 c10 Guest
6/19/2017 c9 Guest
6/18/2017 c8 Guest
Oh yea.
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