Just In
for All Boys School? Please, it's my school now

6/11/2009 c1 2Aurora Johnson
I've been reading it all the way through, but i thought i'd better review =D

I love this story!

It's a bit like Shes The Man (the film)

But it's still really unique, and i love aaron =P He's so cute!

Keep going! It's great x

Aurora x
5/11/2009 c3 7Tipsy101
Ah I like this, it's funny.
5/9/2009 c3 Aqua Revolver
I was waiting for this chapter lol!
5/9/2009 c3 1MissMusicLover
HAHAHAHAH LOLOLOLOL I love the part about the voice thing countine even though there arnt many reviews
4/19/2009 c2 Aqua Revolver
Hahaha love the chapter, especially at the end.

Just at the start though, I think it would be better if it said 'I, Robyn Erwing, have met my maker.'

I'm a slight grammar fiend hahaha

If you're still looking for a beta, I'd like to offer my services/

Great Story!
4/18/2009 c2 MissMusicLover
you should continue untill the end like lets se. He figures it out and they go out after ward
4/18/2009 c2 1Julia Nathan
Woohoo! New chapter! It was short but I liked it, lol the guys are hilarious! :)
4/18/2009 c1 5writrgrl
lmao I loved the first chapter! I'm looking forward to the next update hinthint :)
4/18/2009 c1 Aqua Revolver
Wow this is a really good start to a story... can't wait til the next chapter...
4/18/2009 c1 Addicted2Romance
sounds cool

btw what happen to the previous boys?
4/18/2009 c1 1Julia Nathan
OMG! Sailor Moon! I loved that show so much. lol I lik Rob, she's interesting. But is she trying to get rid of Aaron? Love it!
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