Just In
for Just My Luck

4/30/2009 c2 kepteinen
Murphy like in Murphy's Law, right?

I'm not sure if I like Alexis yet, but I think I may come to like him as the story goes on.
4/30/2009 c2 6CrimsonLilly
I'm loving Al more and more! And you made me google 'enochlophobia'. I'm not acquainted with too many phobias(or at least not their medical terms :/) This chapter is such a tease...You're being mean again...Oh well. Guess I have to wait for the next one. And the line for this chapter that got me cracking up was:

“Oh buttersnaps, I am going to need so many wet wipes.” XD XD XD He's awesome.

And Latoya and Cameron? They just rock! How they have such control over him(or rather,how Latoya does) makes it balanced just right :) He needs someone to counter him in all his phobias and whatnot :) Keep going,as always!
4/29/2009 c1 CrimsonLilly
I love the name of the new story! What was it again, something like 'whatever may go wrong,will go wrong'? I like Al so much,he makes me crack up!The one thing that I liked the best was the scene where he puts his head down and then shots up only to wipe at his forehead with a wet wipe :) Hypochondriac much? heh I can't wait to see more! Btw,I did read the last two(no) chapters of sbppoas and am gonna review them later,just wanted to review this first;)

Good luck with this new baby of yours and as always,work hard ^.^
4/23/2009 c1 1Desaki Akan
Eh, not as instantly captivating as 'Caught Between the Pressed Pages of a Scrapbook' but maybe that's because it doesn't have that sort of tabbo. I'm still excited about this one though. Germophobes are always amusing. So are roadtrip stories.
4/23/2009 c1 3VivaLaQueen
:] I'm liking it so far.

Lol I like his friends, hilarious I think.

And with the Latoya, I actually thought she would be African. Lol, sorry, it just reminds me an African person with that name :D but I guess thats what makes it even more interesting.

Road Trip!
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