Just In
for Burning Down

6/21/2009 c6 chippysocks
Oh no! That last line just screams that Kelsey caught them. But what will she do with this information in order to win back Cadyn? I think she's probably going to blackmail or threaten. I'm curious how Lena is going to play out in this story, so far she hasn't really made an affect on Garen or any of the characters. I'm not looking forward to when she becomes important, because anything to break those two brothers apart upsets me.
6/21/2009 c6 crack the sky
theyy're gonna get caught.

i really hope they don't, though.
6/20/2009 c6 1Desaki Akan
AH! The bitch saw! *ahem* I mean...Kelsey saw...yeah. Kelsey. I think I know a good way to keep her quiet! *motions to dark alley and laughs evily* Sorry, I need to stop thinking evil thoughs...on the other hand, it would be an easy way to get her out of the way...And if I saw Garen and Cadyn making out in a pool, I would take many pictures (I constantly have my camera in my purse because I'm just weird like that!) but I wouldn't tell anyone. Why ruin their fun? I kinda feel like a bad christian for saying this but I like having an open mind, and it's just a story. But if I saw, let's say, my brothers making out in the pool, I'd throw up and never speak of it to anyone until I'm 41 and need a therapist. And...OMG YOU HAVE CHAPTER SEVEN ALMOST DONE? YOU GOTTA POST IT! Now I'm even more anxious to read it! Postpostpostpostpost! Yes, I'm demanding! I'm all excitable now!
6/19/2009 c6 2Chibbi Nations Ruler
Oh My God! it's not even OMG any more it's the full thing! It's Kelsey isn't it! she SAW! Holy crap, You HAVE to update ASAP!

Well besides that, POOL LOVE, Yeah! i loved that, very funny and sexy. And Geren getting hard was funny too, wonder if he'll be able to hold out any longer, ye know, with Cayden being walking sex, and completely oblivious to it. I don't know but i fond this chapter to be extremely hot.

Update ASAP!

6/19/2009 c6 10zomgnessa
Ahh the plot thickens =].

They just need to go at it already. It would make me so happy. It would be adorable too =D.
6/19/2009 c5 camikaza
Awesome chapter! ^^

I like it how it's going a bit slowly, but steadily...in some fics I read it's always like: 'denial denial, confession, smex smex, smex' and although I don't really dislike that, it's good to read something more realistic once in a while ^^

I hope you'll update soon!

p.s. Yes, I use the phrase 'that's so gay' a lot...but not in that way XD I agree with you that using Gay as a synonym to stupid is stupid itself.( it isn't like we shout: that's so straight! when something's gross or something either do we? T-T)
6/19/2009 c6 calamity jane
Ugh! I thought G was becoming too demonstrative (what with the staring, the leering and the touching) at school and just knew someone was watching them!

Aside from that, I thought it was a pretty well written chap. You did a great job with the pool scene! Good description and you easily get G's feelings across. It's great to "see" them have some fun together once in a while. :)

Looking forward to your next chap to find out what happens next.
6/19/2009 c6 AllIsFairInLoveAndWar
I hate slash, I really do.

I don't know what it is about it that annoys me so but it's something that's been with me forever.

I do not mind gay people, my own mother is gay.

It's just not someting I'm interested in terms of literature but I have to say that this story is amazing.

First off, I began skimming through chapters instead of actually reading until around chapter three I noticed they were both male.

I desperately wanted to stop reading but found myself unable to. I've been pulled into this deliciously infectious story and find myself waiting for new chapters to be posted on a daily basis.

The one aspect I love about this is that you make the characters so relatable. Even if you wrote this as a male/female it would still be great because of the time you've taken to etch a personality into both Garen and Cadyn.

This is honestly one of the best stories I've read and I've been on FP since 2003 (this is my second account).

I really hope you see this to the end and I look forward to reading more from you!

6/19/2009 c6 HazeleyedHoney
They finally got caught? I can't wait for the next chapter. Update as soon as you can.
6/19/2009 c5 calamity jane
This was a really good chap. By bringing in Derek, you've added more tension between C & G. Somehow, I think this is going to get a little more interesting between the 3 of them.

Rooftop scene was great, very well written.

Thanks for the nod, but I'm the one that's supposed to be doing the thanking! You need more reviews (pref favorable ones), you've earned them!
6/19/2009 c6 2xdinoxcorex
Ugh, those horny teenagers need to be more careful! They gon' get found out! Lmao, I'm sorry.

Thanks for the update and you better get that 7th one out NOW. Hahaha :)
6/19/2009 c6 xSadistxFujix
So, it sounds as if someone saw. If that is the case, I thought that might be a soon as the swimming section started. And if so that makes everything all the more interesting to read! I so can't wait to find out what happens in the next chapter so don't take too long, kay?
6/19/2009 c4 calamity jane
Yeah this chap was a little rough, but was worth it for the C & G moments alone! :)

I keep thinking Jan is going to figure out what's going on, is she? What's up with the Lena collision and his looks back after her?
6/19/2009 c6 kepteinen
Oh Effay.
6/18/2009 c5 4Kia Zi Shiru
I like your writing style, I read both this story and the one before it today.

Only comment i have is that if you knew you were gonna do a sequel when you wrote the last chapter of the story before this one, maybe you should have cut off in a more... tense place. :) just so people will want to know what happens next :)
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