Just In
for Burning Down

6/14/2009 c5 1Desaki Akan
Woo! Derek is a border-line molester! Hehe. Cadyn's tight pants turn Garen on! Haha! I can't believe the review numbers are going down! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! Sorry, that was probably uncalled for...I have to admit, I have been sucked into it: I often use the word gay as in stupid. I'm not even sure why. It doesn't make any sense. An old teacher of mine made a good point. Whenever someone would say (for example) "That homework was so gay" She'd jump up and yell "The homework is an inanimate object thus it does not have a sexual preference!" I try not to say it, because my teacher was right, but I usually use it to describe behavior. Is that bad? See, I have two brothers. Their friends practically live at my house. So, they have a tendency to act a bit...homosexual. And I walk by and go "coughGAYcough". Maybe I should stop doing that? Anyways, I dislike Garen and Cadyn's parents for disrupting their very very cute scene. It's so sweet that Garen understands that Cadyn's not ready yet. I think I've gone on long enough with this review. EVERYBODY NEEDS TO REVIEW AGAIN! Okay, done now. Bye.
6/13/2009 c5 2xdinoxcorex
Yay! More chapters! I absolutely love this story, once again hahaha. I just got back from camp and fell in love with it again :)

Update again soon?
6/12/2009 c5 2Chibbi Nations Ruler
I would so pay Jan a million dollars, just because she forces Cayden into tight, sexy clothes :D you know, if she was real... i really can imagine Cayden in clothes like that, and his face when Garen molests him! Yea, he is SO thie girl in this relationship.

I smell incomming drama. Is it me or is Cayden a Derek getting closer? And that might have been the farthest Garen's gone with Cayden, hope he won't do anything dumb.

so many questions! Please update! and awesome job as always!

6/12/2009 c5 1AndWeWatchThisCityBurn
Derek is the bane of my existense. 'Nough said.
6/12/2009 c5 10zomgnessa
Aw! I love Garen and Cayden together, they are just soo cute and adorable. I don't like derek too much though, he is far from my favorite.

Update soon =]
6/12/2009 c5 xSadistxFujix
Oh my God, that SO pisses me off too! But what pisses me off even more than that is the fact that people who don't have anything against gay people (such as my sister and a lot of my friends) use it also. Every time someone says that I just wanna say "shut the hell up" because its like they're saying to torment gay people is okay because they're basically saying that gay people are stupid (if they haven't noticed they're saying that I'd... okay I actually wouldn't be surprised since there are very few people at my school who actually pay attention to what they're saying). And I don't mind the rant because, as you can see, I just went off on one of my own.

I loved this chapter. Cadyn was just adorable in the chapter with "Why does everyone think I'M the girl?" mind triade or whatever. That was funny. Can't wait for more!
6/12/2009 c5 kepteinen
I still don't like Derek, but the dynamics of Cadyn and Garen's relationship are fascinating.
6/8/2009 c4 kepteinen
Shit, what story was it?

And Cadyn seems a bit too.. weak. D: Doesn't Garen get tired of always feeling like he has to protect him?
6/7/2009 c4 xSadistxFujix
Yes, definitely not the best but I really DID like the part with Garen checking Cadyn out during class. That was cute.
6/7/2009 c4 1Desaki Akan
*sigh* Lena needs to go away...I mean that. OMG! Cadyn lied! To Jan! Oh noes! And you don't whine too much. I don't think so, at least. :) I wonder what Cadyn said before Garen fell asleep! TELL ME! I guess I just have to wait like everyone else though, haha. Can't wait to see what happens on movie night...with derek...No way! 600-700 reviews for ONE chapter? Unreal! It must have been quite a read. But why discontinue it if it's doing so well? Confusing. Hm, I'm beginning to ramble, arn't I? Sorry, I tend to do that. And I'm still doing it...I'm going to end this before the review gets too long!
6/1/2009 c3 calamity jane
Hey fluffy C & G bed scenes are all good!

C needs to open up and tell G what's going on.

Thanks for another good update and I hope things get better for you soon.
5/31/2009 c3 Desaki Akan
Hehe ^_^ fluffy bed scenes=love. I used to think Derek was awesome and mysterious, but now he's turning into...please don't take any offence to this, but he's turning into a bit of a flambouyant gay...what with the fruity drinks and the mega-winks...he's flaming. Can't wait to read about movie night, though! As always, amazazazing. =D
lol. personally i don't think you do enough fluffy scenes. I'm a sucker for fluff.

It doesn't seem like filler either. Nice chapter. sry your so tired =[
5/31/2009 c3 6CrimsonLilly
What are you talking about? Fluff rocks! And fluff in bed,between hot twins?

...Need I say more?

Beside that,is it just me,or does Cadyn always get himself in difficult(and dangerous) situations?

What the heck was he thinking actually inviting Derek over?

Poor Cadyn,his ass is so in trouble...This time,I'm absolutely on Garen's side-even if he got pissed,he has every right to be.

Oh,can't wait for more twin-yummyness ;]
5/30/2009 c3 2xdinoxcorex
Aww, yay! Another chapter! Geez, I have to put exclamation points at the end of at least the first two sentences of every review...But anyway, wooh! I'm excited hahahaha. Garen and Cayden are so cute :) Update soon?
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