Just In
for Not Spidey Senses, Chocolate Senses

7/5/2018 c1 Guest
This was HILARIOUS! I couldn't stop laughing and smiling! I loved it so much :)
2/9/2016 c1 annayh44
Crazy story hahaha
6/10/2013 c1 17Minkaos
This was such a cute read! I really liked Lyssa, she was hilarious. And Derrick is totally adorable, haha :)
9/26/2012 c1 heal me forever
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sweet ;)
4/28/2012 c1 xEchoxInfernox
ahh! i love random characters! they are so much flippin fun. and library boy aka derrik is pretty dang cool, i like that he was freaked out;D.
10/14/2011 c1 1Exsomnis
*snicker* Forget hopelessly cliche-this is hopelessly kawaii!
1/15/2011 c1 Brown-Eyed Chocoholic
Lyssa is such a weird girl. xD Derrick's awesome.
3/27/2010 c1 5eaststar
2/28/2010 c1 3GinnyJ12
I LOVE CHOCOLATE! nuff said =]
1/2/2010 c1 Ngoc1231
This is very cute! I personally can deal without chocolate for long periods of time.. but I guess that is because I've had my good share of eating too much of it anyway haha.

I know some people who crave chocolate all the time though, and I actually know someone who can't have chocolate. I feel really bad for her =( She is allergic :(

Love the story!

12/12/2009 c1 4Buddie24688
I really shouldn't have read this story-only for one reason.

Now I'm hungry.
11/18/2009 c1 13Aaerie
aw how cute now if u excuse me i have to go to buy some chocolate
9/28/2009 c1 Arvael
Haha, I really enjoyed it. I have orange (juice) senses and if it's about orange juice I can totally act like this! No, not really, on if I'm high on orange juice or have withdrawal effects... xD

Anyway, this was a really great short story!^^
7/7/2009 c1 Lexi
okay, just kidding. loved the story but i dont think ill demand chocolate from a stranger. . . unless derricks there to save me = )
7/7/2009 c1 Lexi
im loving all of your stories. . . looks like im gonna have to go to the library and freak some hot guy out and then demand chocolate. . .
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