Just In
for Innocence and Petulance

6/27/2013 c23 the vcg
I love Maggie's character, great story!
3/24/2013 c23 nickiandlogan
aw. the end! how cute :)
3/24/2013 c15 nickiandlogan
omg. i just loved it poor Finn!
3/24/2013 c11 nickiandlogan
wow ;)
2/23/2013 c15 3A twist to life
Lo-va scene was pure molten.
Describing it would be;
breath-takingly orgasmic.
Vivid and clearly visible to the minds eye.
(Hell, i could even hear Mag's moans and cries.)
And the entire sexual tension till this chap was intense.
The storyline and ur writting is simply captivating and refreshing.
Hope u continue to write such stories
2/22/2013 c23 sad penguin
honestly, this is the only story ive ever liked on fictionpress. not cheesy or crappy. good writing. didnt spot any major erroes. leavin review off my phone so its hard n slow to type btw. lol.
2/11/2013 c7 5Niky D
This is a really interesting story so far and I curious as to what type of demon Finn is and the idea that all demons feed of a blood source similar to vampires was ingenious. But when writing a story about demons its also good to think about including individuality and differences between culture, appearance, and food.
Best of Luck,
Niky D
2/10/2013 c15 SundayMorning73
Love love love!
1/20/2013 c23 esmerelda
This was a lovely read!
11/18/2012 c19 Guest
Aaaaasnnnd you turned her into a drug-using whore that I have no respect for. With MY name, too! Way to ruin the entire fucking story for me, thanks a lot. Ugh, I am so pissed right now, I HATE it when authors ruin their stories! How could you do this? It's so screwed up and disgusting and... Ugh. I'll never be ableto get this out of my head, this complete disgust and disappointment.
11/17/2012 c4 Guest
Oh, thank g
11/17/2012 c2 Guest
Man, I'd really like to punch him for screaming such a thing to a child.
9/2/2012 c23 1The New Aged Hippie
Loved it, made me wanna cry, and i rarly cry over books.
8/8/2012 c23 wmichgee
i loved your story
8/6/2012 c23 4The Phoenix Girl
Great story! I really enjoyed reading it :) I wasn't expecting Maggie to turn like that, I was expecting that she'll go on with her studies and succeed in her life since she seemed like such a strong character... Still what happened to her sounds very realistic as well :)

Amazing work :)
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