Just In
for Best Friends

11/6/2009 c1 3x.alice.massacre.x
omg that was really good!

very unexpected ending.

-Alice xoxo
5/25/2009 c1 xSadistxFujix
Well, that’s because Beronica’s at the bottom of the apple tree and she’s easy to get. Unlike her, I'm at the very top of the tree and harder to get, so I’m just waiting for the right guy brave enough to pick me.

Oh my Jasper, that is the best line ever! I might steal it sometime, kay Nicole? Some of those names were pretty out there. Beronica? Where did that come from? Aphrodite. I think I can guess that one. I liked it!
5/24/2009 c1 7Silencia
It's good! So swet! I'd punch the guy a couple of times more before I'd forgive him though XD

Grtz Silencia
5/24/2009 c1 5annoyance
It's alright. Very typical plot. Nothing new here.
5/24/2009 c1 36Kate Marshall
It wasn't a whole lot, but this needs some more proofreading. Maybe it was proofread when you uploaded it into the docs manager, but sometimes a file is altered a little when it uploads. Some of your words ran together (along with the punctuation). No words were misspelled, but some of the phrasing was odd, though. A few parts were difficult to read.

Your characters were very lovable, though. I really liked them. :D But not super believable. The transition between the beginning and end was a wee bit sappy, so maybe one day when you edit this, you could re-write some of it.

Good luck with your writing! I enjoyed reading this; so thanks for posting. xD

-Peach/Kate, from the Review Marathon (link's in the profile!)
5/24/2009 c1 AZN t a c o s
this is a really good way to start out the story. it's so interesting. I think you should continue, unless it was meant to be a oneshot. :)

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