Just In
for Wendy's Wonders in Wonderland

11/29/2015 c1 5mysterygirl450
Oh my god all your one shots make me ridiculously happy and fuzzy at the same time.
9/26/2012 c1 heal me forever
dis was super super super chessy yet so beautiful nd lovely :)
5/9/2012 c1 8theKnobblyKneedWriter
SO so sweet :)
9/18/2010 c1 Ashweezie
you should write a book...you're kinda really awesome at writing...good luck! hope to read some new stuff soon!
12/7/2009 c1 5itsVKEE
This is absolutely adorable! I'm never any good at oneshots because i always end up making themt too long- i love your one shots. they're really cute.

great story- once again.

11/22/2009 c1 3dontneedyou
OK, so WOW, I cannot stop reading your one-shots! Why are they SO awesome? This one was WONDERFULLY cute too! Haha, Desmond is just so freaking adorable! The whole story and stuff is just so perfect and makes me feel all bubbly inside. Ahaha,

Keep writing! Your wonderful at it!

11/18/2009 c1 13Aaerie
10/10/2009 c1 Dead Deactivated
This is cute! And Ironically you wrote it on my birthday =]
7/27/2009 c1 JustPlainJane
Cute! :D I loved it

Great job!
6/13/2009 c1 1XxCaptainKoalaxX
Nice Story! =D
5/29/2009 c1 3Katie Valentine
desmond is uber cute, honestly.. the way he blushes and acts like a kid! :D

"I took out my chemistry text book and started highlighting some notes. While my sister was the English wiz, I was the science wiz. Ironically enough, my brother was the maths wiz. We were all wiz’s…wizards…whatever."

that part made me laugh gosh this one-shot made my day! thanks! :D

pretty well-written and the story flowed smoothly.. hehehe. *grins*
5/27/2009 c1 1creamygirl
hey there darling,

wow this was bril, love it so so much. hehe i was listening to breakeven while reading and it made it really good, great story, very proud of you once again. hehe

love creamygirl
5/27/2009 c1 19toffeecakesxox

i love it. :)

Desmond... i want him!

-Kristy. :)
5/27/2009 c1 30Waitingnotsopatiently

That was ridiculously cute!

I loved it! =]
5/27/2009 c1 Hazelnut Romance
omg. so cute!
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